Friday, June 19, 2009

The Devil in the Details

Holy bureaucracy, Batman – these statistics are based on an incomplete knowledge of sample size? Not only that, but the much-ballyhooed ‘tracing’ of these weapons is apparently done by looking at the firearm and saying “Yep, that looks like an American weapon.” [More]
Good read. Brings up some good points.


Frederick H Watkins said...

It seems to me that the Mexican Government's interest in influencing U.S. gun laws is not a coincident nor does it necessarily spring from a concern about the safety of Mexican citizens, its law enforcement personnel nor the growing threat the cartels present to everyone. It surely can't be said that Mexican government officials are concerned for the safety of U.S. citizens.

Could it be the Mexican government is engaged in a long term strategic operation to disarm American citizens which in turn will aid and abet the drug cartels? And could it be that some of our Elected Servants, probably the most well known Useful Idiots on the Planet, are aiding and abetting them, albeit for ideological reasons of their own?


W W Woodward said...

The Mexicans are not our friends.

They're still pissed about Sam Houston's victory at San Jacinto.

If the good for nothing banditos can convince the touchy feely idiots over here to give back Texas and California they still won't be happy. If they thought they stood a snowball's chance in Hell they would have already invaded with government troops. As it is, they have invaded the US with illegal wetbacks.