From WarOnGuns Correspondent "Rick":
Here are a few documents relating to the legality....It's like I pointed out back when I was writing about unlawful official responses in Ohio, it is the responsibility of the state to ensure that its LEOs are trained. That the state is aware citizens are being endangered and does not proactively and publicly correct the situation amounts to deliberate indifference.
Here is a story that seems typical of "Only Ones" behavior towards a peaceful armed citizen....
Here is another on the same forum....
Deliberate indifference or intentional conditioning? "It's legal, it's constitutional, but we frown on this kinda thing, boy. You're free to do it IF you want to, and we're free to knock your ass in the dirt."
Squeeze on.
Defender, I'm going with "conditioning". The editor titled the author's letter, "Man arrested for gun explains himself". That's pretty accurate. He was arrested for possessing a gun, which last time I checked wasn't actually a crime. The conditioning is actually a form of discrimination, but I prefer Joe Huffman's use of the term "bigotry".
I'm otherwise having a difficult time determining how the Andalusia Police could justify the response, even based on gun paranoia. You see, I've attempted to figure out what percentage of Adalusia homicides involved the use of firearms, but it's turning out to be rather difficult:
FBI UCR Table 8, Andalusia AL
Year :: Murder / Manslaughter
2007 :: 0
2006 :: 0
2005 :: 0
2004 :: (not reporting)
2003 :: (not reporting)
2002 :: (not reporting)
2001 :: (not reporting)
2000 :: (not reporting)
1999 :: (not reporting)
Andalusia officers may or may not be aware of the conditioning, though it's likely wrapped in the guise of "fast response", or prevention--both of which are ridiculous, because they would require either time travel or clairvoyance to actually work.
Wow! He walked into a WalMart to apply for a job... open carrying?
Bravo, but probably a bit counterproductive to gaining employment even here in gun friendly Wyoming.
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