Wednesday, August 05, 2009

I Don't Suppose Anyone Would Consider...

...resurrecting and training a citizen militia...?

Go ahead--tell me it's the National Guard. [More]

Tom Z]


jon said...

"Residents are standing in line for hours at the main courthouse to do routine business like renewing car tags."

haha. "business." very funny.

everybody knows society collapses when we can't have our cars properly tagged. why would i get up in the morning to go to work if i knew that there's no unique and sure method for a trustworthy policeman to write me a ticket for a traffic law i might break? i just don't trust myself to drive without my trusty tags! the car could "go off" all on its own!

straightarrow said...

I know and love Alabama. Have lived there. They don't need the NG to provide security. But the politicians don't want the citizen to discover how unneeded uniformed armed agents to the state are.

It becomes very difficult to force your will on people who regard you as an unnecessary nuisance. Ergo, they cannot afford to let the citizen make that discovery.

Fortunately, the rest of Alabama would have trouble paying the freight for the proposed plan.

Doesn't mean the right thing will be done. There will be an agreement reached whereby more armed robbery by the state (taxes) will be approved to avoid the revelation that we don't need them.

Frederick H Watkins said...

I don't know how much of a county's budget consists of entitlement spending but I'll guess that no one has mentioned cutting that part of the budget. States in the news having budget problems seem to have the same problem, favoring cutting essential services to taxpayers over cutting entitlement spending to the looters in our society.

David Codrea said...

Insulting anonymous troll deleted.