Monday, September 14, 2009

Gun Grabbers Enable Rape of the Handicapped

I, for one, refuse to be sacrificed for "public safety"--particularly for the illusion of public safety. [More]
A man in a wheelchair is raped in a public men's room.

St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner Kurt Hofmann shares his personal perspective on why he will not be defenseless.

I know some of you have inquired about Kurt's well-being due to his lack of posts recently. I can tell you this one took a real effort on his part, and we're not likely to see a return to a normal schedule for a while yet.

Please join me in doing what you can to spread this far and wide.


Anonymous said...

Word comes from the hinterlands that Freerepublic blocks articles because of "copyright complaints" (presumbly by

In Liberty,


David Codrea said...

Yeah, I guess I initiated that.

They were posting my full articles. That removes all incentive for people to read it at Examiner. I emailed them and told them I appreciated exposure, but could they please just post a few teaser paragraphs and a link. I was very nice.

They shined me on and left the columns up, so I turned it over to my boss. He approached them, they shined him on, so he had the Examiner lawyer remind them about copyrights.

I guess because of that they won't even link to us anymore.

Here's the thing--we get meager stipends from Examiner but every little bit helps. I've seen my stuff on Infowars where they make $$ from ads on their site, and have even found a couple college term paper sites selling my magazine articles.

That's just BS--I have bills too and work damn hard at this, so I resent the hell out of people who just take my paid stuff and feel like it's theirs. I never ask readers to give me a dime, but the stuff I sell is copyrighted and helps keep a roof over my head.

If by Free Republic they mean they get to exploit the work of others for free (and they ask for donations, I do not), then the hell with them.

My policy on WarOnGuns is clear:

All of my entries on this site are © David Codrea, but may be posted freely elsewhere as long as they are not edited without my consent, and attribution and a link to this blog are provided.

All I ask of regular readers is they help spread the links to my Examiner stuff. Perhaps I'm selfish and wrong, but I don't believe I'm asking too much.