Monday, September 14, 2009

That'll Teach Me... link to Democratic Underground and say something they deem heretical.

Check out the comments and the rage.


Sean said...

Their rage is the rage of the Fool, and their comments, the words of the impotent. They bleat loudly and clearly for their own rape, murder, and theft. And since they will never be able to summon the intestinal fortitude to defend their own lives, they demand your demise as well.

David Codrea said...

Sean, that's beautiful--post it over there so they can read it?

Sean said...

Yo, wilco, out.

Steve K said...

David, Any time you need a fire-mission or reinforcments just say the word. Clearly we will come through.

JokersWild said...

And I wonder how many times the "Report This Article" has been punched by the liberal free-speech advocates?

Any idea why the comments are getting wonky? On one page it showed 33 and then it only shows 13.

Great job on stirring up the hoplophobes. It's days like this that make me happy to be connected to the interwebz. :)

Oh, and now they're going to organize a boycott against your sponsors and what not. I mean if they had any idea how many sponsors there were on the Outdoor Channel and the pro-gun programs they'd have an brain aneurysm.

Crotalus said...

Joker, you're having trouble too? I noticed the loss of a lot of comments when I refreshed, and I also noticed that when I filled the screen, I could continue to type, but after each character, the screen went back to about halfway up my text.

And oh, boy, the antis are in a rage over there!

Messesi? Is that a new Southern state? (verification word)

Peter said...

David, I should probably say something about how one shouldn't go right up to their cage and start poking them with a long stick.

I should, but I won't. :)

Keep up the good work, and keep up with the linky-love to the enemy's websites.

Digitarii said...

My post over on the original topic:

I have to say it, If you don't like guns or you are afraid of them, then DON'T CARRY THE WEAPON. Do not attempt to force me to kowtow to your agenda and remove my ability to defend myself from unwanted acts of aggression. It's a simple risk versus reward for the criminals. They compare the risk of their action against the potential rewards. Attacking me carries considerable risk already since I'm a large man (6', heavyweight). They have to think, "If he gets hold of me, he will probably hurt or kill me very easily."
Now let's look at my coworker, 5'2" and weighs maybe a hundred pounds soaking wet. Her risk to reward factor is much different, right up until you add the fact that she carries a handgun and can center mass as well or better than I can. When said criminal tries on her, she pulls her gun and warns him off. That risk to reward just changed exponentially and the criminal decides that maybe it's time to find a more socially acceptable to accomplish his goals.

Mack said...


This was posted over at

I'm saddened to read about the apparent murder of a Yale Medical student. It reminds me that when I was at Yale, I found the university to be incredibly cavalier about security. I spent 5 semesters living in the law school dorm, and therefore walking around the immediate campus area. In that entire time, I saw exactly one police car patrolling one time.

After a law student's face was slashed right in front of the law school my first year there, Yale hired a security guard to sit inside the law school building at night. Most of the time he was asleep. This was literally the only security I ever saw in the entire law school campus.

Dixie said...

Read the rest of the article Le wrote. She talked about how you should notice details of your assailant, like shoes and clothes, to describe to the police. She was mentally unprepared for what happened to her.

Joe in Reno said...

You get paid by view, right?
I love how the leftists are raising your standard of living. Maybe you've found the path to a retirement plan!{;>)

Digitarii said...

Whoever did this to her was waiting and caught her completely unprepared or it was someone she knew and trusted. Possibly both. There's no way this was some random attack.