Friday, September 11, 2009

Piazza's Private Army

In other words, a rich private citizen is paying to train a private army to his specifications to fight off his perceived enemies. [More]
OK, then...

[Via Todd F]


Ned said...

From the linked website: "I’m thinking a show where John Stossel wanders around, telling people what he believes. An amused economist then explains the actual impact of everything John Stossel believes."

What an asshat. First of all a "belief" can't have an "actual impact."

But if Stossel's economic ideas were actually put into place, it would not be a repeat of the failed Keynesian idiocy that our "experts" in government keep trying to implement - with the same, predictable failures. That being said, since the author of the site believes that reimplementing the same failed Keynesian economic policies over and over again will somehow work, it's my opinion that the author is insane. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is one definition of insanity.

It's noteworthy that some other countries who didn't try to spend their way out of a major recession are now experiencing moderate growth, while our economy is in the toilet. And of course we the people can't even audit the Fed to discover where any of the trillions in bail-out money actually went.

But put your trust in government, a-hole.

Clearly then, his opinion of Dr. Piazza comes from one who couldn't pour piss out of a boot with instructions on the heel.

His conclusions are hoplophobic and moronic, and should be ignored.

zach said...

I would love to go to front site. i've heard it's exceptional for handgun training.

Chris said...

More "magical" beliefs from a loon. The guy seems to believe that words (in Stossel's case) can magically affect the economy, and that offering training in how to effectively use firearms (among other things) will magically turn the students into automatons willing to do Piazza's bidding.

I took the 4-day defensive handgun course four years ago, and have no intention of doing anything that Piazza might "order" me to do. It did, however, take me from a poor shooter to a better-than-average shooter in 4 days. And give me the training regimen to keep improving. And there were discussions on topics like safety and how to deal with the aftermath of a self-defense shooting incident.

There are deals to be had if you can make it to the Las Vegas area for the training. I can't, as my finances are iffy until I get re-employed.