Thursday, October 15, 2009

Open Letter

Vanderboegh to Holder [More]

Go. Read.


Kevin Wilmeth said...

Had to post on that one.

Guess we have to find out, sooner or later, if they really, truly are that stupid.

straightarrow said...

it's not just their stupidity, but ours also,Kevin. We have spent 75 years training them to believe we have no sticking point. No point past which we won't go in order to avoid unpleasantness. Hell, even today we have some, allegedly on our side, who don't even want us to speak bluntly about it.

Given that kind of encouragement from us, and their natural arrogance and narcissusism, why would they suddenly believe "we really mean it this time"?

We must share the blame for this. That's not to say we can't or shouldn't quit enabling them, but it is far too late to avoid the unpleasantness. We trained them too well.

Kevin Wilmeth said...

No argument there, SA.