Monday, November 16, 2009

What Did SPLC Teach Oregon Police?

Interesting, considering recent headlines, that one group is conspicuously not listed as currently active...[More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner looks at the Southern Poverty Law Center's indoctrination of the Eugene Police Department and further assists them in spotting and identifying dangerous Constitutionalists.

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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GunRights4US said...

Ya's frightening to think that a group as whacky as the SPLC has gained such a degree of legitimacy that they qualify as "experts".

But then... look who's in the White House. I suppose whck jobs of all flavors have gained legitimacy these days.

Sean said...

The reason the Moslem Pigs are left out is because the SPLC is full of yellow-bellied cowards that dropped out of a tall cows' ass.