Sunday, November 29, 2009

Where Are Michaele and Tareq?

I see from today's WorldNetDaily this is not the first time these social-climbing publicity junkies have stalked The One. I wouldn't mind seeing someone host a "Where's Waldo"-type contest, to see the creative places around the Lightworker-in-Chief where people with true PhotoShop skills could make the Crashin' Salahi's appear...

The most heavily-guarded location and event in the world--and we're supposed to believe the "homeland" is secure.

Meanwhile, work to disarm the ones the Founders deemed "necessary to the security of a free state."

That makes sense.


Kent McManigal said...

A president should be so innocuous that no one would ever have any reason to wish to do him harm. If he isn't, then he made his bed and needs to lie in it. These people didn't threaten him in any way whatsoever. "Fear" is not harm and only shows him to be a pathetic coward. Along with his "security" goons.

David Codrea said...

I can't agree with you, Kent--there are plenty of enemies, foreign and domestic.

I can't think of a more "innocuous" presidential candidate than, say, Dullhawk, and for that very reason there would be evil force initiators who would consider it a priority to take such a man out.

Kent McManigal said...

Which is why every individual should be prepared to defend himself at all times. But, that is a part of the price that is paid for the perks of the job, and "enemies, foreign and domestic" are not necessarily the aggressors, nor are they always in the wrong (John Wilkes Booth as an example).

straightarrow said...

Well, since they are part owners of the house and offered nor presented no harm to anyone, I am inclined to give them a pass. It is OUR house.

You know, a powder monkey knows and accepts the risks of his job, as does every other working person in the world. Why are presidents, politicians and other privileged pantywaists so loath to do so? Is that an admission that they are something less than the common man they ridicule? I think so.

I am not saying that security shouldn't be provided, but somehow, I can't see his security forces failures as an indictment of a harmless couple of 15 minute famers. Perhaps they should be thanked for exposing a glaring hole in procedures?

Obama can carry diaper wipes for such incidents if they are that big a problem for him.