Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wayne Fincher Update

From Paul W. Davis:

To all,

Miss Linda (Wayne's wife) and I are leaving in about an hour to drive to St. Louis for oral Arguments tomorrow morning at 0900. Quentin Rhoades is arguing IFP Status for Wayne. We will be driving back tomorrow afternoon.

I will post details on the Militia Blog when I return.

In Christ & ALWAYS in Liberty,

Paul W. Davis

[Read more about Wayne Fincher]


zach said...

How disgusting that this man is in any trouble with the "law" at all. This country is such a repulsive 1984 shithole. Every time I see a good old boy with a cowboy hat with american flags and power of pride, military pride, or those terrorist hunting licenses, or those "support law enforcement" decals I want to vomit my guts out. This government is the damn terrorist. And there is nowhere else to go!

Kent McManigal said...

Zach- I completely, absolutely agree. Yet there are good people around who are just too afraid of those loud imbeciles to speak out publically.