Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dead Elephant Demands Fealty

Mitt Romney has a message to Tea Party candidates nationwide: If you lose your Republican primary bids, stay on the sidelines. [More]
I almost never use the "f" word in my postings.

I just came very close.


Matt said...

Romney needs to stay on the sidelines.

We don't want government run healthcare whether it's called RomneyCare or ObamaCare.

Anonymous said...

romney should start training for a new career.......


Kevin Wilmeth said...

Did you expect more from Mitthead? :-)

Frankly, I think that's just fine. Voluntary truth in advertising speaks volumes.

John B said...

W W Woodward on daughter's computer:

The Dead Elephants and the Jackanals have had since the 1860s to fix things and have repeatedly failed to do anything but screw things up, possibly beyond repair.

I refuse to pledge allegiance to either party. The lesser of two evils is still evil. I am running this year for a local office as an independent candidate.


straightarrow said...

Mitt Romney, everyman's symbol of zero.

Toastrider said...

Pretty much. It's like the Beltway and RNC go around deliberately being morons. First the flap in NY-23 with Scozzofava (oh, that worked out swell for us), and now the Crist vs Rubio fight that's turning into a curbstomp.

LOL. Word verification: Frack.

JokersWild said...
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JokersWild said...

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but as soon as Mitt or another war monger gets anointed to head the Republican't party's bid they'll start beating the drums to scare the locals and Tea Parties back in line with "The Democrats will eat your children!" and just as they've done every time for as long as I can remember the vast majority of the sheep pull the lever for the Republican'ts one more time.

As for me I'll keep voting my conscience and keep voting third party.