Wednesday, March 03, 2010

The Intelligence Hub

I guess it makes it look like they're doing something intelligent, even if they're not. [Read]

[Via Ed M]


Diogenes said...

Now thats funny.

Just go ahead and list the hours of operation, and how many people staff the place, for all of the criminals to see.

Oh, that's right criminals don't know how to read papers or surf the net. Silly me.

Great idea, in theory, horrible in practice. Wanna bet that crime between 1 am and 8am triples over the next month? LOL

Sean said...

It's kind of like when Phil Collins thinks he's a rock star/musician. You know he's not, but it makes him feel good to do so. But hell, even when there is a crime in progress, and the screws are right there, they still manage to foul it up. I guarantee you that they will watch a murder in progress, and be so engrossed in it that they will neglect to call a response team.

Ed said...

One of the Boston Globe readers raised a question in Latin that is worth repeating here:
“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?”, or “Who is watching the watchmen?”