Monday, March 01, 2010

A Real Shame

It's a shame that gun-rights activists can't see that the best way to protect certain rights is to establish strong guarantees for all of them. [More]
Yeah, and it's a shame that you "progressives" consistently spread that lie.

I don't care if it's through ignorance or intent.

It's your shame, not ours.


Sean said...

I've always been for all our rights, and that they pre-existed before they were dilineated by the Constitution. David, do you mean that progressives don't really stand for all our rights, as outlined in the Const. or what? I'm a little short of what you are saying.

David Codrea said...

I'm tired of them accusing us of only caring about the 2A and throwing the rest of the BoR under the bus. It's not true, but they keep repeating it like it is.

Sean said...

Got it. I know you had said that before, I'm just a little slow on the uptake sometimes, but that could just be the Alzheimers talking. I know it's off the subject, but have you seen my glasses?

SA said...

WTF, this dummy doesn't recognize that the "strong guarantee" he talks about is the Second Amendment? That is the written guarantee. the practical guarantee is the body of the people who will still exercise that right even if the written is erased.

Anonymous said...

Screw the 9 black-robed thugs and the horses they rode in on. Just so they understand, a majority of the states have a 2nd amendment clause in their state constitution. I don't think they can just willy-nilly declare that null and void.

fidelity_axiom said...

David, you must admit that there at least a minority in this country that care vocally about gun rights, but don't give a damn about rounding up and arresting "liberals/blacks/immigrants/undesirables". Surely, the same people blindly praised "homeland security" prior to 2008 because the television told them so. Certainly some same people claim that this is a Christian nation and that laws ought to be written with regard to Christianity. You must admit you've seen a fair share of hypocrisy within the ranks of 2A activists, I've certainly seen so much it makes me sick.

But I cannot classify all 2A activists that way (nor would I), in fact it's probably true to say that the most bigoted people are "arm chair" activists, or too nasty to ever get involved in public policy - the type of people who might send an email, but have never had face to face time with an elected representative.

In my observations, the 2A activists get thrown in with "conservatives" - which have been lumped to "neocon" fascist/federalist/authoritarian policies that erode civil liberties. The "Conservative" brand no longer had anything to do with "Libertarian" or liberty, or justice. For example, President Bush's administration expanded 2A rights in many ways, while detracting on the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, & 10th (I don't know about quartering troops, but I bet I could find some violations during Katrina). Those days are over, and new hypocritical trends have come. I think the "conservative" brand will be re-established as "libertarian for everyone - not just White People".

As for the "2A Activists" well, we establish our own brand, we are our own PR machine. The public perception 2A activists give is our own fault. I once asked if readers of your blog would ever put aside their political views and work with liberals. I can't find the specific post, but the answers were enlightening, do seek them.

David Codrea said...

I guess my question, with dependent answer, would be "work with 'liberals' to do what?"

Thing is, and without getting too deep, one of the biggest original opponents to McCain/Feingold was NRA, which partnered with ACLU to fight it. Disingenuous "progressive" editors like the one who wrote the article we're commenting on have no excuse to make blanket statements like the one I'm objecting to--either they're suppressing the truth, or, if they're not aware of it, reveal an ignorance that makes their public opining an act of journalistic malpractice.

fidelity_axiom said...

Sorry, I should have clarified:

The people calling for restrictions on firearms are the people who have never used them: and so the obvious solution is to teach more people how to shoot. I propose(d) that 2A activists put aside political issues and work with self-described "liberals" to dispel ignorance of firearms, teach them gun safety, and take them shooting. This could easily be accomplished by putting up some signs at the local university offering free rifle lessons. Such an experiment could have true value in the liberty-loving community.

Several comments shot down the idea, my favorite comment was along the lines of "I'll never work with liberals, because they support abortion." It is this sort of self-exclusion that allows political polarization and is most dangerous to American liberties. Objections to the most morally sensitive issue in this country are justifiable, but the comments were only seeking simple excuses to not work with the other camp against a common enemy. I agree that Blanket statements are generally ignorant expressions; but to add further, they're often a foundation of a person's own ignorance and should be challenged at all times.

My main point, to reiterate, is that "2A Activists" establish our own brand, we are our own PR machine. Demonstrably false blanket statements get very little attention; unfortunately, there's a lot of Americans who believe 2A Activists have only one focus.