Tuesday, March 09, 2010

We're the Only Ones Cooperative Enough

A 16-year-old student faces a charge of disorderly conduct after a school resource officer says he refused to cooperate during a test. [More]
Hey, if we can't get voluntary compliance, we'll force it out of you.

Who does this kid think he is: an individual with free will and a right to voluntary association?

We'll crush that idea out, stat. Don't want any others getting any ideas...

[Via Harvey]


Sean said...

LOL, it was reported by the Gaston Gazette, a part of Freedom Corporation. As an aside, my oldest son in school (8th) was told he had to testify about a student preventing another student from getting in his locker. The reason being, he was FILMED in the area when it happened. He followed SOP though, he told the VP he didn't know nothin' about nothin'.

straightarrow said...

I'm tired of this shit. It isn't going to get better without bleeding. Sad, but oh so true.

Think back to when we were all younger. Think about all the bullies you ever knew. They never quit, until you made them bleed. Nothing got through to them until somebody (usually me) had had enough and handed them their asses.

This is exactly the same thing just written in all areas of our lives now, instead of the limited scope of the neighborhood or schoolyard bully. They won't stop until we make them bleed.

I hold hope that the ballot box will make them bleed power, but I don't hold much hope of it. I really think it will take bleeding real blood.

Gaviota said...

Damn, guys, there's NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION HERE to make a judgement. If this was a kid who was a 5'1" 102 lb crybaby who burst into tears and curled up in the fetal position when his name was called, then the disorderly charge would be overkill. If this was a 16 year old, 5'11", 260 lb pothead with a history of beating up little kids, who decided to throw a chair at the teacher in Alternative School (little more than prison anyway), then not only would he deserve the rap, he'd deserve time on a chain gang.

straightarrow said...

sorry Gav, but you fail logic on this one. If the kid had done anything harmful to others he would have been so charged. He was charged with disorderly conduct, which is a catch-all for "He didn't mind me".

Get the cops out of schools. Put them in prison where they belong.

Gaviota said...

With a due respect, and believe me, that's a LOT of respect, hear me out on this one;

"If the kid had done anything harmful to others he would have been so charged."

That may be true, but it's an unsupported assumption, as is: which is a catch-all for "He didn't mind me".

The article doesn't say what the kid did, so I have no way of determining whether or not the charge was appropriate or not. There is insufficient information available.

Of course, in the interest of full disclosure, I have to reveal that I have a profound bias: I hate teenagers.