Wednesday, May 12, 2010

More Pressing Items

Even if there were any need for this measure -- which there is not -- Ohio has far more pressing items on its agenda, starting with 11 percent unemployment. [More]
Speaking of unemployment as a "more pressing item," and my sense of things based on living in the region says the Plain Dealer has their numbers way low, how they figure driving armed citizens away from restaurants will help the employment situation is one of those mysteries of gungrabber "logic."

It goes right along with teeing off a large segment of the readership/market as your paper "continues to bleed." Yet their anti-defense fanaticism compels them to keep pressing this item...

At least that shows us the quality of their judgment in re self preservation.

Nothing like those dying from their own poor choices demanding we listen to them for pointers on how to live...

"Authorized Journalists"...


Axeanda45 said...

"Nothing like those dying from their own poor choices demanding we listen to them for pointers on how to live..."

Wow, that is an awesome statement/quote David, I love it. So plain that even a Libe...., well, never mind, at least we sane people get it.


Ed said...

The only fundamental differences between you as a citizen and a police officer are the power of arrest, and the responsibility to act if a crime occurs in your presence.

Can a non-uniformed off-duty police officer carry a concealed weapon into these establishments? Can he get a glass of wine or beer with his meal? If so, demand the same treatment under law. Work to have all laws that handle you differently repealed.
The odds of getting into a vehicle accident, alcohol consumption or not, are much higher than your usage of a firearm, but with the same or more lethality. Why is driving a vehicle treated with a more lax standard - social acceptability?