Tuesday, August 24, 2010

DOJ Openings

Exciting opportunities for Medicine Men and Ebonics Experts.


jon said...

billywitchdoctor.com be all over that.

Ed said...

"What you talkin' about, Willis?"

Odd, we know what is being asked here. How dat?

Defender said...

Language is the currency of thought. Some people aspire to gold, others to Chuck E. Cheese tokens.
The Drug Enforcement Administration, like the BATFU, SHOULD NOT EXIST.
But since it does, it's good to remember that Homeland Security is also short of Arabic-speakers to translate possible terrorist communications, and deliberate mistranslation has been reported.
It's also good to know that National Geographic Channel has a documentary about how albino human beings are even now being killed in Africa and body parts taken to be used in rituals by, yes, witch doctors.
My people come from western Europe and the Cherokee Nation, but if I reverted to Low German or Tsalagi sentence structure, they'd put me away.
Anyway, look how out of touch our Overseers are with what we see every day.