Friday, September 24, 2010

Comedy Central

The Congress, not the network. [More]


Sean said...

Colbert is about as funny as a fart in church.

EJR914 said...

LOL Comedy Central is right.

Luke (alias "Lines With Chrome") said...

Colbert's performance was brilliant satire. Especially the part about how he was qualified to testify about farm labor because he spent a day picking vegetables. Remember how they once had a couple Hollyweird actresses testify before Congress on the plight of farm families, because they'd PLAYED farm wives in a DAMNED movie?

It's also a FACT that our congresscriminals don't read the bills; sometimes they even admit this and "explain", without a hint of shame or irony, that they are simply "too busy" to actually do their fracking JOB.

Frederick H Watkins said...

Inviting Colbert, a professional "clown" if you will, to testify to Congress about anything is just about what I expect from this Congress. A real expert about the subject just might be an embarrassment to the Right Honorable So-and-So's clowning around the Capitol these days.