While people should still act menacing if they see a coyote, they should avoid ones that look sick or mangy, Connors said. If faced with a violent one, you should "make yourself bigger," and "back away slowly," he said. [More]And...trust your child's life in that circumstance to a hoplophobe with an air horn?
[Via Jeffersonian]
Wife's uncle was telling me about a beautiful hike they had in Idaho. They were unmolested by varmints, two legged or otherwise. He did say that he carried bear mace, and a gun.
All I could think was, "Damn straight!"
Um, wow... where i come from, coyotes are afraid of people and avoid them. they turn tail and run as soon as they see one of us... I don't suppose that has anything to do with the fact that we shoot them on sight and actively hunt them as the problem animals they are.
Heck, we even have tournaments where the person that gets the biggest coyote in a certain time period wins a prize... and so as not to make it like a deer hunting tournament where people are looking for that "perfect trophy", there are also prizes for the most kills in the same time period.
Nah, that couldn't have anything at all to do with them not attacking the children in their own back yards. Must be something in the water?
Leave it to New Yawkers to come up with a solution I didn't know existed.
Out here in the southwest (not the commie infested part) I just shot two coyotes that came in on us while hiking with my dogs.
It never occurred to me that I could carry an air-horn instead of an easily carried handgun.
Looks like another solution to a problem I didn't know existed.
BTW - I couldn't help noticing that in the comments, these New Yawkers responded as if the guy who advanced the "just shoot them" solution was a nut.
If some idiot was walking about the forest out here with a bull horn, people would conclude that he or she was a nut.
I guess we're not as smart as some of the east coast limousine liberals. "Just talk nice to it."
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