Friday, October 29, 2010

Getting A Head in Phoenix

The gruesome case of a man who was stabbed and beheaded in a suburban Phoenix apartment has police investigating whether the killing is potentially the most extreme example of Mexican drug cartel violence spilling over the border. [More]
Are they sure they have the resources?

Don't they have some signs they need to pull down first?

1 comment:

Defender said...

The government in its wisdom is also declaring the War on Raw Foods and the War on Trans Fat. Will people be killed over a lost shipment of pepperoni?
Meanwhile, Wheel of Fortune donates to Feeding America and billboards urge us to give to Where are the priorities? Command and control.
Opium derivatives and cocaine were not regulated until the Harrison Act of 1914. Look how far we've come in 96 years.
And the '20s Roared with organized crime.