Monday, October 11, 2010

Should you have a legal duty to retreat from an intruder or attacker?

Over four times more representatives than the hissy-fitters can muster assess that's what their constituents want. And it's the mean old NRA's fault. Bitterly clinging to our prohibitions and controls, are we?

Still, the prize for clueless on this one goes to the astoundingly misnamed Patriot-News Editorial Board...[More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes those who attack our rights would rather we withdraw than fight.

I'd appreciate your help sharing the link.


Anonymous said...

I'm too old and fat to "out-retreat" some thug 20 or 30 years my junior.

When someone is threatening my life, I don't run, I shoot.

Dann in Ohio

Anonymous said...

I'm past the half-century mark and must use a cane. I've got plenty of upper body strength and great reaction time. But I am physically unable to run -- my joints are finished. Were I living in Pennsylvania, my handicap would put me at mortal risk! Arthritis runs in my family. Speaking of which, my crippled grandfather carried a 32-20 revolver. A thief made the mistake of bringing a knife to a gunfight with Pap. My grandfather was only able to clear the firearm from its waistband holster before having to fire. The robber spent the rest of his life speaking in a higher octave. Something about Darwin ... . It wasn't my grandfather's choice to be robbed.

Anonymous said...

I have arthritic knees and a bad back. There's no way in hell I'm outrunning anyone. And I'm supposed to retreat from some street punk? Not likely!

Ed said...

To some, for you to be armed is to be looking for trouble, not being prepared to deal with trouble thrust upon you.

Likewise, for these same people, for you to be in a dangerous situation is your own fault because you went to a place that has danger, so you should retreat to a safe place or never go to a place that can be dangerous.

So bolt the doors and cover your heads with your blankets as you shiver in fear, to make others feel better about their world. Make sure to not deadbolt the back door, as you may need to make a hasty retreat from your own home. An oh, bring a cell phone to call 911. Be considerate. Make sure that your name is printed on all your clothing to make identification of your body easier so that the authorities can quickly notify your next of kin. You did vote to increase your taxes to pay for more police officers and prosecutors, didn't you?