Friday, November 05, 2010


Pricey weapon perhaps used in weekend drive-by...

Butler has extensive knowledge of .223 rifles, especially those based on the AR-15 platform. [More]
I can't claim such expertise.

But even I know where the going price for one is two hundred bucks. In gas.

"Authorized Journalist" Curt Sprang, ABC News. Breathlessly parroting the government line instead of doing his own investigating since...hey, Curt, how long have you been at this now...?

[Via Matt S]


Chris said...

But wait, I thought the "black rifle" was the weapon of choice for gangs and cop killers? How does what this cop told the reporter jive with the Brady Campaigns assertion that these weapons are all over the place and are the number one threat to civilized society?

Sounds like the cop accidentally told a bit of truth. I'm sure he will be disciplined accordingly.

Don't forget, the .223 cartridge is a super sonic death machine that travels at, oh my god, over 3,000 feat per second!

Defender said...

Lame duck Congress alert? "We've got to get these high-powered assault machine guns with "the shoulder thing that goes up" off the streets before the one-toothed sister-loving gun lovers get sworn in! Only the police should be able to spray and pray!"

Sean said...

"High end powered weapon" WTF is that?

David Codrea said...

Better ask Curt and ABC Sean. They're the professionals.

Kerodin said...

Not that I'm particularly interested in either option, but by a show of hands, who here would rather be shot with granddad's ol' bolt action deer rifle in 30-06, or a slick and tricked black rifle in .223?

Intellectual honesty is far too much to ask from those who would be our Masters.
