Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sharpton endorses NYPD community gun snitch program to promote 'civil rights'

But don’t expect to see the opportunistic Sharpton turn down media exposure because he cares more about the liberty of his constituency than he does about self-promotion. Or for Commissioner Ray to turn down a chance at promulgating more of the meaningless babble that agenda-driven “authorized journalists” like Debusmann seem to lap up...[More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes there are civil rights and then there are unalienable ones...

And no shortage of charlatans who would exploit the one while subverting the other...

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Mack said...

Shere the link? Certainly!

I wanted to add the following:

1) "New York Daily News" version

2) "Sharpton Joins With the Police" -- wsj

3) Would you pay $299 for this course?

Operation Gun Stop: Successful Strategies for Combatting Illegal Guns and Gun Violence


Violent crime, through the use of firearms, is more prevalent here in the United States than any other country in the world and is a major public concern. Despite tough gun control laws, the illegal sale of firearms is a prosperous business and closely related to gangs and the illicit narcotics trade.

It goes without saying that guns are the tools of those who prosper in these venues and are used to bring about intimidation, control and in many cases death.

How these weapons make their way into the hands of these individuals, and how these same individuals are exposed and arrested is the focus of this course. While another individual may just take their place, law enforcement’s goal should be to remove not only the weapons, but the street dealers as well who may constitute the single greatest method of illegal firearms distribution.

Defender said...

You'd think Sharptongue would be keeping his profile low after his homedawg Charles Rangel was flogged (unfortunately not literally) for ethical violations in Congress.
I'm sure the anti-freedom-fighters are excited by their remaining two months of authority before a slightly-better Congress is sworn in. Expect anything.
And remember to thank the prags and the NRA for the "illegal guns" theme. Exile is GunStop is CeaseFire is TIP (Turn In a Pusher) is the Inquisition.

Ed said...

Anonymously flood the tip-line with all sorts of potential targets, especially imaginary. Start with the names of relatives of leading politicians and work your way downward. This should devalue any accurate information that they receive.

Instead, the police should assume that anyone they encounter is armed and more proficient in firearms than they are. Respect should flow both ways.