Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Just what does someone have to do for ABC to consider him ‘anti-gun’?

But Colin’s not “anti-gun.”

And neither is oozing-with-sympathy Roberts, who tells him “I'm so glad that you're doing well and you’re doing the work…that you are doing, Colin.”

...You believe that, right?[More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at some people who say they merely want to set a few standards.

Also set some personal training standards of your own.

I trust sharing these links has become a standard all the regulars here actively promote?


Pat H. said...

Make no mistake about it, Colin Goddard isn't a dupe of the progressive/fascists in America, he is a progressive/fascist.

He knows what he's doing to wrong and dangerous to people, he does NOT care.

It's the power that is important to him, and nothing else.

Sean said...

I think the man needs an enema.

Defender said...

Can we refer to him as COLON Goddard from now on?

I bet the Bradys pay him a better salary than I ever made.
Wouldn't be worth giving up MY soul for, but maybe he never had one to give up.

Do they not realize that if they win, they lose, and lose big? As in no more talking? That's quite a wish list. Filling it means no possibility of recovering freedom, ever.

Anonymous said...

i appreciate this blog but most of the time the posts are so cryptic and bereft of contextual information i don't even click any links. please make them more informative so i can understand the gist better and thereby put them on my facebook page?

Anonymous said...

Yes we shouldn't have to go to all the effort of clicking on links.

Defender said...

Colon and the Sphinctroids WOULD be anti-gun IF they objected to the police, the military, the UN, Senators and Congressmen and other rich, well-connected politicians, government regulatory agents and other unelected bureaucrats, celebrities, royalty and their bodyguards, friends and families from having them. But they're OK with that, so they're not anti-gun per se.
They're just anti- anyone else having the ability to disagree with the above people.
I think that's called fascism, a police state and martial law.