Thursday, December 09, 2010

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

People who break the law should no longer be branded offenders, a leading criminal justice campaigner has said.

Frances Crook, head of the Howard League for Penal Reform, said the "insulting" term demeans individuals and hinders their rehabilitation. [More]

How about "Alternative Morality Disorder (AMD) sufferers"? They have feelings, too, you know.

A rose by any other name.

Don't call me Norman. Call me "Chubsy-Ubsy."


Defender said...

If there are no offenders, then there are no REPEAT offenders. Everyone looks better.
I bet being caught with an "illegal gun," "illegal knife" or "illegal glass pub mug" will still get a person labeled a menace to society.
Remains to be seen how this will affect the new British tradition of arresting people because they "offend" someone with their words, particularly when they get their sharia law parallel legal system.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that her name is Crook.....


Dedicated_Dad said...

Ah, yes: Words CAN hurt, huh?


We have words for people who commit offenses: We call them "offenders."

When they commit crime, we call them "criminals."

When they burgle: "Burglars."

When they commit theft: "Thief."

Here's an idea: If they don't like the label, STOP EARNING IT.