Monday, January 24, 2011

When Meat Thermometers are Outlawed...

And it was one of those digital assault thermometers, with no legitimate cooking purpose, as opposed to a "patrol thermometer"...[Read]


Defender said...

Sounds like he, a convicted felon, HAD a gun nevertheless but decided to go with something quieter. A pointed metal rod.
Eery theater I drop my granddaughter and friends off at (I don't go in anymore) has that "No firearms" decal on the door. said...

Wow. England has outlawed most knives from the street and some people over there are even pushing to have kitchen knives with round tips. When will people learn.

MamaLiberty said...

I'm wondering just why anyone would take a meat thermometer with him to a movie... That's really weird. I can think of a dozen things in my kitchen that would serve as a far better weapon.