Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Wilding in Wisconsin

Where concealed carry is illegal, just in case anyone intent on serious mayhem wants to take note. [Read]

Didn't Janet II say malls were being considered for DHS "enhancements"...?

That might add a whole new meaning to browsing at The Gap...

[Via William T]


Ed said...

But wouldn't the sight of openly carried weapons be "disrupting the shopping experience at Mayfair"?

Oh, and please, "customers should make their final purchases". Kinda sorta urgent, but we want to minimize the losses that happen when closing the stores early.

Oh, and the only security we have other than surveillance cameras is closing the gate. Do you feel imprisoned? It's to make you and us feel safe.

Defender said...

As the Church Lady would say, "How conveeenient!"
Always look on the bright side of ... devolution. Hey, maybe the punks will STEAL or at least mess up the F.A.S.T. trailers and the DHS/TSA agents in them.
Back to "Logan's Run." As society became more authoritarian, the juvenile Cubs began living feral lives in the dead areas, harassing the conformists and evading and embarrassing the Lifeclock/Sandman system.