Monday, February 21, 2011

Any Item? Really?

Senate Democrats acknowledged that the 19 Republicans could pass any item that doesn't spend state money in their absence. [More]
Is that true?

Where the hell is the "gun lobby," to take advantage of this?

1 comment:

jon said...

Democrats said they were standing firm in their opposition to the budget-repair bill, which would take away the right of most public employees to collectively bargain for their benefits and working conditions.

"we can stop working and you can't fire us."

taglit-birthright israel is an organization of philanthropists that offer young jewish people the opportunity to experience their ancestral establishment and learn about their heritage should they choose to embrace it.

i am not sure if it receives federal funding. however, this nation could likely afford such a program to send any of its citizens to any other nation wherein it currently maintains a military installation of any kind, simply by closing that installation and rolling over the operational cost into plane tickets. "but what about food and lodging," you ask.

actually, i propose that those people in this nation professing that aforementioned heritage of servitude just pick any one socialist european clusterf-cks, go there, and stay there. our nation fronts the cost, completes an exit interview, and closes the appropriate bases after the fact. we then can send them a few dollars every year to stay out.

once you realize what a boon this would be for the structure of production in this country, you will surely approve. you might even go one further and call for deportation. you might even imagine it could be done by philanthropy alone.