Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Purposefully Misleading"?

Per Congressman Mike Ross:

[Click to enlarge]
As for it passing "in a legal manner," I'd be curious to know where in the Constitution he presumes that authority exists.

[Via MicroBalrog]


Pat H. said...

The pressure to remove the machine gun registration ban of 1986 will continue to mount.

Keep in mind that it is an as yet to be resolved, legally, that making your own automatic weapon is now prohibited since the tax is no longer being collected, the sole method by which the ATF regulated automatic weapons no longer obtains.

zach said...

Where is the part about begging permission from your local chief only one? Is that part of GCA 68?

Anonymous said...

I have posted a clearer pic of the letter on AR15

David Codrea said...

How about a post-specific link?