Tuesday, March 29, 2011

An Ounce of Prevention

The plan I am supporting is, in my view, common sense. And it respects the constitutional rights we all share. [More]
No it's not. It's ridiculous.

And no it does not either.

Anything else you care to be wrong about?


Sean said...

One of the reasons for Tucson is that we have an integrity problem in the US. Loughners' mother protected him and shielded him from trouble, intervening with both the police and the college he went to, and more than once. If she had been honest, she would have gotten him to mental health help. Instead she lied to him and herself, letting the problem grow.

bob r said...

And it respects the constitutional rights we all share.

I no more "share" my "constitutional rights" than I share my Ford Explorer. The mere fact that more than one person "owns" a copy of a thing does not make for "shared" ownership. My rights belong to me alone and it is not up to any other to say whether or not they have been "respected". Any who presume to do so proceed at extreme risk.