Monday, April 04, 2011

Journey to Babel

In the gun debate, we often speak different languages [More]
Yeah, no kidding.  I guess I need to brush up on my "Authorized Journalese."


Ned said...

Of course I'm stating the obvious here, but when an authorized journalist begins a story about guns by defining a Glock 21 as a "service revolver", perhaps the whole story is suspect.

Of course, few - if any - commenters mentioned the fact that the author doesn't understand the first thing about guns.

Anonymous said...

I was about to say, when did Glock start making revolvers? ;-)

Ed said...

Der hands uff der glock go round round round, round round round, round round round...

Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me) said...

Yeah, I thought the same, Pistolero. The gun-grabbing media still cling defiantly to their ignorance. They don't want to learn better.

Sean said...

"Allowed to have guns?" Allowed to have guns? That guy should slather his bald chrome dome in Vaseline, and run through the nearest brick wall.