Tuesday, May 10, 2011

An Unfunded Mandate

For now, the system is capable on certain high-end cell phones but starting next year, all cell phones will be required to have the chip that receives alerts. [More]
And you will be required to pay for it.

I wonder if the precedent established here could be applied...?


Anonymous said...

Approved by the R CONgress in '06, how did we miss that one?

Imagine an entire city on the look out for some alleged bad actor, alerted and directed by central control.

Anonymous said...

Subotai Bahadur, commenting on
PJM's Belmont Club "Iron Dome"
post. My one caveat is that he
is too specific as to who is
threatened by politicized police.
He had a longer comment at the
same blog, back in March, in the
post captioned "Wisconsin" on how
some police forces there were
refusing to keep order and aiding
those disturbing the police.

2011-04-10 13:56:43

#33 Eric R.

The European left is not powerless. They have one big weapon. They hold the Jews of Europe as hostages. Whenever there are flare-ups in the Middle East, Jews in Europe are beaten and killed by local Islamonazis and leftists, which the European left blames on the Jews themselves.

If, or rather when, the war comes; it is not only European Jews that are hostage. Of course, as long as this administration and party are in power; any attack on Israel will supported by all the active and passive measures they believe that they will be able to get away with. It is a given. But given the massive anti-Semitism that is basic to the Left in general and the Democratic Party in particular, American Jews are not safe. We have our own Islamonazis and Leftists here who will be more than happy to join in the implementing of a Final Solution. And looking to law enforcement, at least in Democrat controlled areas or Federal agencies, is going to be in vain. At the outer edge of possibility is some form of Federal “protective custody”, i.e. Schutzhaft.

American Jews will not be defended by their overwhelming affiliation with the Left and “anti-Zionism”; any more than the Jews of the German middle class who supported the Nazi’s as an alternative to the Communists, or the Jews who were among the early leaders of the Soviet Union were. Ironically, for their political orientation; their sole protectors are likely to be Evangelical Christians and other Patriots. --Subotai Bahadur

all the best, cycjec

Anonymous said...

Folks, this is a clear signal that
"IT" is on the way. Depriving us of
communications in an emergency.
The scapegoating function mentioned
above is bad enough but choking off
all citizens is worse.
One might also recall that "text
alerts" at colleges tend to arrive
a hour or so late.

David Codrea said...

cycjec: Please explain relevance to this post--I'm missing the connection.

Anonymous said...

I was reading this blog and clicked on a story link then tried to come back and my computer crashed. I bought this computer this past August and never had a problem like this before. NSA must not like the sights that I am visiting. Interesting cell phone blog though.