Monday, June 20, 2011

Cain’s ‘in your face message’ still does not face gun questions

I hope no one from your campaign thinks you’ve been misrepresented here, Mr. Cain. Not only did I acknowledge the opinion that we needed to cut you some slack because you “slipped up a bit,” I actually sent you a series of questions that would leave no room for anyone to misrepresent your position on guns. I gave your campaign a chance to be nontraditional, to address sensitive subjects, to be atypical and to enter the belly of the beast. [More]
This evening's Gun Rights Examiner column notes asking a candidate specific questions about their positions on fundamental rights should produce answers, not anger.


New York Museum Man said...

I also sent Mr. Cain an email. Basically said " I would be more than willing to sit down with your campaign. Give you the lay of the land in the gun community. Background, various camps, core arguments, key legal decisions, some key players." Been in the gun world for 50 years. I would treat them no different than if a friend asked me to bring him/her up to speed. I would help educate them to a point. No reply. Silence. So I guess that is an answer actually.

Carl "Bear" Bussjaeger said...

I tried twice; can't even get an automated system response out of them. Which, as NYMM notes, really is an answer.

Mack said...

This is an important Examiner column.

A Must Read.