Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Profiling and predicting a leftist agenda in academic papers on ‘gun control’

The three knuckleheads have tripped into a stoogepile right out of the starting gate, and have no credibility for either subject matter expertise or judgment from this point on. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes just because you have advanced degrees doesn't mean you've learned a damn thing.


mikee said...

The errors in law and history you cite from the article are noteworthy in that they passed through the multiple layers of editing and peer review that this paper underwent.

It isn't just the authors who let pass the idea that "In crafting the Second Amendment, our nation’s forefathers gave us the
right to bear arms." Every person who read this article before publication read that and accepted it.

David Codrea said...

mikee, that is absolutely correct--thank you. I added your observation to the column as an update because I think you identify an important point people need to understand.

Mack said...

David, I do hope you recognize that the realm of 'science' has been co-opted by progressives and Marxists for quite some time. This is why the term 'peer-reviewed' no longer has meaning.

It is why global-warming-alarmism, as one example, is junk science.