Thursday, December 29, 2011

ATF management to treat Gunwalker crimes as personnel policy violations

This, in turn, follows and bolsters the narrative established by Barack Obama, that “People who have screwed up will be held accountable.” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report looks at how the administration is telegraphing its intent to sweep everything under the rug. 


Damon said...

nice post :P

Chas said...

Like it was a couple of bottom-level agents sitting in a car having beer for lunch, and then up and deciding to have a gun store let some guns slip over the border just because they could.
Except that those out of control "agents" were Obama and Holder, and they made a strategic policy decision to drive up the level of gun violence so they could advance their leftist supporters' gun control agenda. They knew that innocent people would be killed, yet they decided to proceed and continued to proceed despite the reality of the rising body count that they had anticipated.
It's very important to note that they failed to stop the operation even when it was clear that guns were being disappeared off to criminals. That proves that they intended for it to happen. It was no surprise to them to see their plan come to fruition because they meant for it to do so. They wanted those guns to go to criminals, so that they could advance their gun control agenda. It was politically motivated, mass murder. What a reckless disregard for human life! And these two are running our country! They should be impeached. Murder is considered to be a "high crime", isn't it?