Thursday, December 29, 2011

Nothing Like the Bible Belt

Now, Meredith Graves, 39, is facing at least three years in prison for thinking New York’s gun laws are anything like those in the Bible Belt. [More]

Yeah. Ignorant fundamentalist knuckle-dragger. Everybody knows unalienable rights are what regional overlords say we can have.

Happy "Law Enforcement Day," Meredith, from your friends, Bloomberg's "Only Ones." And don't worry--if they have enough funding for this, they have more than enough to prosecute and imprison you for 31/2 years.


Anonymous said...

Another prohibited person created and added to the list. Hubby will also be prohibited as any of his weapons would be assumed to be in her possession as well. This is after she gets out of the slammer...3.5 yrs in Rikers?

Anonymous said...

I happen to live in this God-forsaken state. I married a woman from the other side of the world (literally) and we moved back here in '89 when I left the service. I only came to NY because that's where my family was. My Mom died shortly thereafter at 50, my Dad a couple years ago at 70. My oldest is heading to OCS in Quantico in 3 weeks and my daughter is away at college. The preface is so taht you realize I have no real reason to stay....other than the fact that my wife does NOT want to leave NY. I have a pistol license, but it only allows me to carry it directly "to and from" the range. Otherwise, it's got to be locked up. It's fine in every county in NY, but if I bring it to any of the five boroughs (counties) that make up NYC, I'll be in for a stay in the big house, despite the fact that at least 3 of those counties are the ones you face the most danger from criminals.

They take their gun crap seriously folks. This lady MIGHT get off with probation because it was likely an innocent mistake, but my guess is that it's going to cost her tons of time visiting courthouses, lots of legal fees and probably at least 6 mos in a cell.

I can guarantee two things:

1. It will be the most expensive vacation of her life
2. She will NEVER come back to this shit state. (I wish I could do the same)

Unknown said...

See, her mistake was in admitting that she had a gun. The fact that another loaded gun was discovered at the memorial proves that the criminals are not respecting the "gun-free zone" any more than they ever do.

All she had to do was keep quiet, and no-one would ever have known. And she'd be free and back in a state which respects her, now.

Longbow said...

If argued correctly, this COULD BE the case that turns New York's scheme of Control laws on its head.