Friday, December 09, 2011

A Modest Proposal

Operation Fried Deceiver? [Read]

[Via Concerned American]


W W Woodward said...

Beck's suggestion is an entertaining thought. It would make a statement, but I don't believe Holder is worth the time.

It would be more appropriate to just strangle, leave him where he lies (pun intended), and shut up. Let the buzzards have the carcass. He would finally serve a useful purpose.


Word verification: "minties". How appropriate. But, as much crap as was flowing out of his mouth yesterday I don't really think minties would cover his halitosis.

MamaLiberty said...

Hmmm... seems like an awful lot of bother just to get rid of some garbage.

Rope is reusable... and it's not like he's the only candidate for it.

Anonymous said...

Best idea I've seen in a very long time! Might be more of a deterrent than begging for rights or justice.

AJ said...

I say we just let the Mexicans extradite him.

drjim said...

Not worth the gunpowder.....