Wednesday, January 04, 2012

We're the Only Ones Disordered Enough

After adjustments were made for age, sex and other variables, having a sleep disorder raised the odds of heart disease by 45 percent, for example, and the odds of depression by 120 percent. It also raised the odds of being injured on the job by 22 percent and falling asleep while driving by 51 percent. Nationwide, from 2009 to 2010, more than a third of officers who died in the line of duty were killed in motor vehicle crashes, a problem that is widely overlooked. [More]
And they're not only letting such walking zombies out amongst us armed, they prefer it that way?

It's like a bad dream...a nightmare...

For the record, plenty of us have worked long hours and overnight shifts and had fractured sleep.

[Via Mama Liberty]

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