Friday, February 17, 2012

The Magic Number

Is there some magic number of cops or congresswomen who have to get shot in the head before something happens in Washington? [More]
Let's all pray we never have to find out.


Chas said...

Magic number? Is Bloomberg into numerology?
The real issue is when is Bloomberg going to stop magically blaming inanimate objects, as if they had minds of their own, for the actions of his New York City criminal constituents who make the decisions to pull the triggers? I suppose that would involve Bloomberg himself taking some responsibility for the behavior of his constituents, which he will never do, instead of shifting the blame out of state and onto guns, but psychopaths never take responsibility for their actions, do they? Whether it’s Bloomberg, or Holder, or Emanuel, it’s always somebody else’s fault. They and their people are never to blame, as far as they are concerned. We certainly can’t blame the people who are responsible, can we?

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

From the article, quoting Furious Mike:

How many criminals have to pull the trigger before Washington lifts a finger?

Funny--I thought New York cops were against "lift[ing] even a finger."

Mack said...

Wonder what Mike has to say about the Feds is SoCal?