Friday, June 29, 2012
Justice: Holder Above the Law
If the Congress is looking to use its Constitutional powers under Article. I., Section. 8., "To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union," I'm in. [Read]
Report points to Clinton-era gunwalking
It does lead to some interesting questions, particularly for those demanding to expand investigations to include the Bush-era “Operation Wide Receiver” program and his then-Attorney General Michael Mukasey. The Twin Cities operation took place under Janet Reno’s watch under President Bill Clinton. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report wonders if it's also fair to asks what did they knowand when did they know it?
My Congressman
We just talked about this worthless lump here.
And now I see this:
Politically execute a few and the rest will take notice--if not out of principle then out of a sense of survival. We should have been doing this all along, instead of falling for the "who else they gonna vote for?" fear tactic they rely on to keep the fearful returning them to office. That's a big part of the reason we're in the mess we are.
UPDATE: John Richardson tells us about his useless lump, who at least has the "excuse" of being a Democrat.
And now I see this:
LaTourette votes no on Holder contemptSeeing as how entrusting him with political power results in his refusal to represent my interests, I will do what I can to retire this useless RINO, even if it means giving up his seat to a damn Democrat. That will only be a temporary and endurable pain, as opposed to continually allowing these worthless GOP hacks to get away with unpunished betrayals.
Politically execute a few and the rest will take notice--if not out of principle then out of a sense of survival. We should have been doing this all along, instead of falling for the "who else they gonna vote for?" fear tactic they rely on to keep the fearful returning them to office. That's a big part of the reason we're in the mess we are.
UPDATE: John Richardson tells us about his useless lump, who at least has the "excuse" of being a Democrat.
Everything You Need to Know
...botched Fast and Furious gun-running operation...flashpoint for the conservative blogosphere...partisan theatrics and escalating conspiracy theories...A thoroughly-researched new expose from Fortune reporter Katherine Eban... [More]Yeah, right, lady. Whatever you say.
I love these people who have absolutely no track record with digging out original revelations on this story, and with absolutely no agency insider sources, suddenly set themselves up as the 11th-hour experts, presuming themselves qualified to teach, but in reality, not having earned the prerequisites to sit in the advanced class.
SOTG 3.0
New developments will be happening soon. [Watch]
Update: He also released "Mediocrity: How to fail and feel good about it."
Update: He also released "Mediocrity: How to fail and feel good about it."
"I Am Robert Heyer"
That kind of reminded me of "I'm Spartacus." What this is about is Brian Terry's cousin engaging with people on Reddit. [Read]
One of the questions raised in this thread was to the effect that if it hadn't been walked guns found at the murder scene, the killers would have still been able to get other guns. That's been argued to me before, too.
It's bullshit, and here's why--a very specific set of circumstances, any of which not happening would have led to a different specific outcome for agent Terry on that particular night --led up to the firefight in Peck Canyon. Change one element in that timeline and you change what happens downstream--and the further back in the timeline you go, the more opportunity for widening the divergence of events.
True, he could have encountered criminals armed with other weapons. But that's not what happened. Had he not encountered those criminals, armed with those weapons, there's every possibility he would not have been killed that night.
One of the questions raised in this thread was to the effect that if it hadn't been walked guns found at the murder scene, the killers would have still been able to get other guns. That's been argued to me before, too.
It's bullshit, and here's why--a very specific set of circumstances, any of which not happening would have led to a different specific outcome for agent Terry on that particular night --led up to the firefight in Peck Canyon. Change one element in that timeline and you change what happens downstream--and the further back in the timeline you go, the more opportunity for widening the divergence of events.
True, he could have encountered criminals armed with other weapons. But that's not what happened. Had he not encountered those criminals, armed with those weapons, there's every possibility he would not have been killed that night.
Frogmarching Eric
David Hardy tells us about an unused dungeon under the big dome. [Read]
Too bad no one has the guts to follow through, but in theory it could result in an armed standoff between the House Sergeant at Arms and DOJ--although I don't imagine tanks pumping CS gas into the monolith at 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW is a possibility at the moment...
Meanwhile, the AG is doing his best Jimmy Cagney "You lousy coppers will never take me alive!" impersonation.
I'm not sure how the process works, but they passed a resolution authorizing their House attorney to take the matter to court, and we could see the federal bench in DC side with the administration. Then all SCOTUS has to do is nothing--refuse to hear it...
I'm just guessing here. If you can enlighten us on a more likely process, please do.
Too bad no one has the guts to follow through, but in theory it could result in an armed standoff between the House Sergeant at Arms and DOJ--although I don't imagine tanks pumping CS gas into the monolith at 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW is a possibility at the moment...
Meanwhile, the AG is doing his best Jimmy Cagney "You lousy coppers will never take me alive!" impersonation.
I'm not sure how the process works, but they passed a resolution authorizing their House attorney to take the matter to court, and we could see the federal bench in DC side with the administration. Then all SCOTUS has to do is nothing--refuse to hear it...
I'm just guessing here. If you can enlighten us on a more likely process, please do.
Houston Liberty Festival Encore Presentation
From American Trigger Sports Network:
Host James B. Towle and the Trigger Sports TV crew return to American Shooting Centers in Houston, Texas for the Houston Liberty Festival, a spectacular sporting clays event benefiting "Homes for Our Troops", an organization that builds specialty homes for returning wounded veterans. This event has grown into more than just a sporting clays tournament, with parades, flyovers, reenactments from civil war, western shootouts and Vietnam, along with cook competitions, carnival, shooting exhibitions with U.S. Army and Travis Mears, flag retirement ceremonies and much, much more! Watch TONIGHT to see an overview of the fun and the tournament and see what this wonderful organization is doing for our veterans.It's one of two Silver Telly Award episodes we helped make happen, and for which James send his thanks. It will be on the Pursuit Channel tonight at 6:00pm Pacific/7:00pm Mountain/8:00pm Central/9:00pm Eastern on DirecTV Channel 608 PRST and DISH Network Channel 240 HUNT.
This Day in History: June 29
When Benedict Arnold wrote this letter to John André, he was still in Philadelphia. General George Washington had agreed to let Arnold have command of West Point on June 29, 1780. [More]
Thursday, June 28, 2012
For He's a Jolly Good Fellow
He has said that he and a fellow blogger... [More]"Fellow blogger..."? What am I, chopped liver? They always attack Mike and leave me all jealous 'n stuff...
The Media Matters crowd really are a bunch of anemic panty-wringers, are they not? Time for Brock to break out the paddle again, and give those boys some eagerly-awaited ankle-grabbin' discipline!
A Minor Footnote to History
[Click to enlarge]
Congressional Research Service acts as an issues "think tank" for Congress--their reports are generally not made available to the public, despite our tax dollars funding them (and some are working to get around that). Be that as it may, a source provided this to Mike and me, and it's kind of fun seeing our names in a government document that isn't a no-knock warrant or an executive order to take us out with drones.
I posted the complete report to my Scribd account. Feel free to look at some of the other docs I've posted haphazardly there in support of stuff I've written.
Where the Wild Things Are
All around us.
They call themselves "progressives."
And they make no secret of craving a "monopoly of violence".
They call themselves "progressives."
And they make no secret of craving a "monopoly of violence".
Is Anyone Surprised?
It's not like that puppet Roberts hasn't been sending out signals. [Read]
Anybody think it's mere coincidence that the contempt vote will be cast while all eyes are focused elsewhere?
This certainly doesn't help the "You must vote Republican because of Supreme Court nominees" argument.
Anybody think it's mere coincidence that the contempt vote will be cast while all eyes are focused elsewhere?
This certainly doesn't help the "You must vote Republican because of Supreme Court nominees" argument.
With Malice Aforethought
"Fireworks this serious require safety training and licensing from the state to legally handle them," Marshall said. People selling the explosives might not have the same malicious intent as, say, gun dealers, but their products can be just as dangerous, he added. [More]Yeah, every time I've ever dealt with a gun dealer, they're always twirling the end of their mustache going "NYA-ha-haaa...!"
[Via Dave Licht]
Oversight Committee releases resolution, report for today’s contempt vote
As to when this historic vote that all eyes are watching will take place, that’s a story in itself. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes there is nothing too simple for the bureaucracy to screw up.
This Day in History: June 28
Early on the morning of June 28th, when the British were leaving the village of Monmouth, New Jersey (today known as Freehold), these 6,000 men under General Lee attacked the British rear guard. General Clinton's men were able to react quickly and forced the Patriots to retreat. General Lee did not have good control of his men and there was much disorganization. [More]
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Truth about Operation Wide Receiver important to determine
Among these misconceptions being repeated: that no Wide Receiver guns “walked” to Mexico because they were all controlled deliveries; that no one was killed; that the Mexican government was fully informed; that RFID tracking devices were placed in all the guns; and that the program was shut down at the first sign of danger. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report cautions that sometimes the truth is inconvenient, but we really shouldn't want it any other way.
An 11th Hour Release
I've been expecting this shoe to drop calling John Dodson's credibility into question since April. [Read]
Curious they release it just now. Not really. It's tactical.
I wish I could say more, but I don't have permission to release rebuttal information yet.
CNN again. Remember that.
Curious they release it just now. Not really. It's tactical.
I wish I could say more, but I don't have permission to release rebuttal information yet.
CNN again. Remember that.
Radio Days
- Tina Terry will be on Rim Country Forum's annual "Fourth of July" Freedom-lovers radio show, 1420-AM KMOG, tomorrow at 9 a.m. Arizona time with host Stephanie Landers to talk about the Declaration of Independence and liberty.
- I joined host Bill Frady last night on Gun Owners of America Radio to talk Gunwalker and lots of other stuff.
- I'm going to be on Kenn Blanchard's The Urban Shooter podcast tonight--actually, we'll record it and it will be posted next week (#275)--I'll announce a link when it is.
Pulling Out the Stops
Workman elaborates on the CCRKBA alert. [Read]
We talked about it yesterday--have you called your representative yet?
I just got off the phone with mine's office. The ever-useless Steve LaTourettesyndrome hasn't shared with his staff how he's going to vote yet. I gave her several reasons why that ain't good enough and pledged to spread word of his inexcusable lack of anything remotely resembling leadership on this.
We talked about it yesterday--have you called your representative yet?
I just got off the phone with mine's office. The ever-useless Steve LaTourettesyndrome hasn't shared with his staff how he's going to vote yet. I gave her several reasons why that ain't good enough and pledged to spread word of his inexcusable lack of anything remotely resembling leadership on this.
A Sneak Attack
Dan, your advertising background, you know, of being a professional liar is showing. [Read]
Right--openly introducing an amendment to a bill is a "sneak attack."
I like this new Brady head. He looks like he's even more incompetent than Paul Helmke was, and that's a good thing.
Right--openly introducing an amendment to a bill is a "sneak attack."
I like this new Brady head. He looks like he's even more incompetent than Paul Helmke was, and that's a good thing.
"Under the Radar"
How could we possibly trust someone controlling an explosive-filled guided missile weighing hundreds of thousands of pounds with something as deadly as... a handgun? [Read]
Can you imagine being such a mind-crippled paranoid that you don't trust Latinos with silverware?
Can you imagine being such a mind-crippled paranoid that you don't trust Latinos with silverware?
A Duty to Act
There is no reason to attempt to avoid the vote. The fast and furious scandal is the most significant and obscene lawlessness in any administration in recent history, and maybe ever in American history. Congress has a duty to act. [More]Which makes those trying to obstruct that duty more than derelict. It makes them co-conspirators.
Gun rights advocates including David Codrea and Mike Vanderboegh wrote extensively on the controversy and rumors surrounding Terry's death, and the allegation that ATF was attempting to "bump up its case numbers" by letting large numbers of guns "walk" into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. [More]It's nice to see this coming out in a more widely-read place, and for more than self-aggrandizing reasons. Obscurity helps keep important stuff buried, and constantly having to bang pots and pans takes energy and effort that could be better applied to digging.
Oh Shut Up, Amital, You Collectivist Fool
That someone this fundamentally delusional is the norm in academia, whether it's an act or not, says much. [Read]
Nice to see CNN, which has made virtually no contribution to uncovering Gunwalker truths, and which blew the opportunity to get in on the ground floor with insufferable arrogance, continuing to guarantee a downward credibility spiral. I wonder if they've crossed the event horizon/point of no return?
Nice to see CNN, which has made virtually no contribution to uncovering Gunwalker truths, and which blew the opportunity to get in on the ground floor with insufferable arrogance, continuing to guarantee a downward credibility spiral. I wonder if they've crossed the event horizon/point of no return?
Gunwalker WAS a Paranoid Conspiracy
On July 14, 2010, roughly five months before Agent Terry's murder, ATF Field Ops Assistant Director Mark Chait emailed Bill Newell, ATF's Phoenix special agent in charge of Fast and Furious. "Bill," the email read, "can you see if these guns were all purchased from the same (licensed gun dealer) and at one time? We are looking at anecdotal cases to support a demand letter on long gun sales. Thanks." [More]As per their MO, the dark side projects.
What, Hoyer's from Missouri Now?
"Show me." [Read]
Your side has been asked first. By subpoena.
My read: Stonewalled documents would provide the contextual framework to make what the Committee has bulletproof against worm-tongued "interpretation."
Until then, twist in uncertainty, Steny, and keep wondering what you dare publicly utter without having to eat it later.
Besides, we all know what he's really after. And the "Authorized Journalists" are there to accommodate him and help him redirect the focus away from the guilty.
Your side has been asked first. By subpoena.
My read: Stonewalled documents would provide the contextual framework to make what the Committee has bulletproof against worm-tongued "interpretation."
Until then, twist in uncertainty, Steny, and keep wondering what you dare publicly utter without having to eat it later.
Besides, we all know what he's really after. And the "Authorized Journalists" are there to accommodate him and help him redirect the focus away from the guilty.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Well, He IS...
Slain officer’s parents call President Obama a liar [More]Come on Democrats and the press--start calling them conspiracy nuts and racists. I dare you.
Urgent Action Alert on Holder Contempt Vote
I don't normally do this, but I'm tired. And this needs to get out. So I'm just pasting the whole thing:
U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TO VOTE ON ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER CONTEMPT CHARGE Your urgent action is needed on Holder contempt vote to be held Thursday, June 28th. Anti-gun rights Attorney General Eric Holder is facing a Contempt of Congress charge as a result of his refusing to comply with the subpoena to turn over all documents relating to the botched "Fast and Furious" gun running sting that were demanded by Rep. Darrell Issa's Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
Congress has repetitively asked for accountability in relation to the death of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian A. Terry, the firearms recovered at the scene of his murder and over 2000 guns that are still missing. REMEMBER THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION'S URGENT CALL FOR THE REINSTATEMENT OF THE EXPIRED "ASSAULT WEAPONS" BAN. REMEMBER THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION'S FALSE CLAIM OF 90,000 GUNS RECOVERED IN MEXICO BEING FROM THE U.S. The Obama Administration and Eric Holder's Justice Department have been adamant in communications with anti-gun groups that their gun control agenda would be advanced "Under the radar." In the moments before Darrell Issa's committee were to vote on Attorney General Eric Holder's contempt, the Obama White House issued a proclamation of "Executive Privilege." It is important to note that Attorney General Holder and the Obama Administration denied any knowledge of "Fast and Furious" until new evidence surfaced. WHAT YOU MUST DO AS A LAW ABIDING GUN OWNER TODAY.CALL YOUR CONGRESSMAN TODAY AND POLITELY INFORM THEM TO HOLD ATTORNEY GENERAL HOLDER IN CONTEMPT. USE THE LINK BELOW TO FIND YOUR REPRESENTATIVE'S PHONE NUMBER. Help the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms send a message that our rights as citizens cannot be manipulated by failed and legally questionable programs such as "Fast and Furious."Do this. And spread the word.
And the Walter Duranty Award Goes To...
...this disgusting wretch.
Claire has infinitely more patience than I have.
Thinking about this, it's actually not such a bad thing--because it is firing people up and they're holding CNN, which has been derelict on reporting F&F, accountable.
I almost hung up on an arrogant CNN producer weeks before ever speaking to CBS--he came in all self-important like the pros have arrived, and if we gave him our sources he'd decide if there was a story they wanted to cover. So let them instead keep company with the likes of this Granderson thing and deal with the consequences.
[Via Michael W. Dean]
Claire has infinitely more patience than I have.
Thinking about this, it's actually not such a bad thing--because it is firing people up and they're holding CNN, which has been derelict on reporting F&F, accountable.
I almost hung up on an arrogant CNN producer weeks before ever speaking to CBS--he came in all self-important like the pros have arrived, and if we gave him our sources he'd decide if there was a story they wanted to cover. So let them instead keep company with the likes of this Granderson thing and deal with the consequences.
[Via Michael W. Dean]
Ignoring Reality
It's what fanatics do--when they're not trying to destroy heretics who don't subscribe to their primitive superstitions. [Read]
Ashes to Ashes
She didn't apologize. She started laughing. [More]And why not? Look at the ridiculous lengths everyone goes to to abase themselves to her, day in and day out.
What's to respect?
How Blogs Broke The Fast And Furious Scandal
I'll be speaking with this reporter later today for a more detailed follow-up. [Read]
Mike tells me he's already done a Q&A with her, so I expect it will end up being some sort of joint profile.
Mike tells me he's already done a Q&A with her, so I expect it will end up being some sort of joint profile.
Radio Flyer
I was unable to join Mark Walters on Armed American Radio Sunday evening due to my recent family situation. His guests included Mas Ayoob in the first hour and John Lott in the second, and he and producer Sean Young filled out the third with the Roundtable.
If you missed the show, click here, then scroll down. Links to all three hours, and to prior programs, are included on the right side of the page.
I will be able to make Gun Owners of America's program this evening. The show runs from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Eastern, and I'll be joining host Bill Frady at 7:00. Click here when the show is on.
If you missed the show, click here, then scroll down. Links to all three hours, and to prior programs, are included on the right side of the page.
I will be able to make Gun Owners of America's program this evening. The show runs from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Eastern, and I'll be joining host Bill Frady at 7:00. Click here when the show is on.
Nosotros somos los únicos vestidos para matar lo suficiente
I wonder if any walked guns were used? [Read]
The Police/Press Propaganda Alliance
"There is no reason at all to have a Mac 10 on the streets at all," said New Haven police spokesman Officer David Hartman.I wonder what he would have done had he been given a set of gunsmithing tools and challenged to do just that?
The Mac-10, he said, is a semi-automatic weapon that can easily be converted to a full automatic gun, which is illegal in Connecticut. [More]
NBC got even more hysterical, calling it a "military weapon" and a "machine pistol" and...get this..."a Mac-10 military rifle," and Officer Dave gave them the obligatory "no purpose outside the military except for killing and murdering people" spiel.
I did a screen capture just in case they decide to sneak in a change:
[Click photo to enlarge]
Not just "Only Ones"..."New Haven Only Ones"...
Not just "Authorized Journalists"... "NBC Authorized Journalists"...
Is it any wonder that we love them so?
Targeting U.S. Guns...
... as a Cure-All for Global Violence? [More]More on the Arms Trade Treaty from Paul Gallant, Sherry Gallant, Alan Chwick and Joanne D. Eisen.
Mortimer Layton 10:09 am on Monday, June 25, 2012 If I knew people were carrying guns on the trail, I would be hesitant to use it. The trail as it is is one of the most serene places in the area, why in the world would anyone feel the need to have a gun while taking a walk. Guns are for hurting and or killing, that is all they do. Please, if the world scares that much that you feel the need to take a gun with you everywhere, please stay at home. I left Allenyown to get away from the gun violence, now I have worry about guns on the SRT? [More]Well, gee, Mort, since you put it that way.
More timothy grass...?
The Responsible Answer
How about if someone stole a firearm from you, would you report it?Perhaps, but they're not looking for a responsible answer, they're looking for a mandated one.
The responsible answer is "yes." [More]
And guess who could not be required to report stolen guns?
Monday, June 25, 2012
Apologists resort to talking point ridicule, attacks as contempt vote looms
The “sideshow” analogy is curious, but hardly a coincidence. The Brady Campaign put out another of their “people are dead-send us money” solicitations a week ago characterizing the Fast and Furious investigation as “the circus in Washington,” and charging the “scandal… was cooked up on a right-wing blog.” [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes the other side is getting desperate if the best argument they can come up with relies on ginning up Vanderphobia.
Mike Broke Out His Ukelele...

I've got those yellowstain blues
those silly yellowstain blues
when someone fires a shot
it's always there I am not
I've got those yellowstain blues
the old yellowstain blues
those yellowstain blues.
If the rumor bears out, I think we ought to start calling the House of Representatives Yellowstain National Park.
UPDATE: Has Bo(eh)ner finally developed 100-pounders?
Looks like they still left some weasel room, which reminds me--one reader suggests changing the preserve to "Yellowstain National Weasel Refuge."
I Want My Country Back
Good song by Jimmy Copens. I debated whether to pass on the link because of my discomfort with some of the OWS assumptions and images, but ultimately realized not too many music videos set me off actually thinking, he does it in a way that avoids the trap too many "message" songs fall into of being overbearingly preachy, and the music and delivery are top notch. Debates about whether the country he wants back ever existed aside, what I want is to live where the ideals of liberty are encouraged and celebrated. [Watch]
A New Foundation
Brian Terry's family has started one, and they've set up a website that has lots of good information. [Read]
A First Time for Everything
For the first time in New Jersey legal history, the Appellate Division of the Superior Court has applied the U.S. Constitution’s 2nd Amendment Right to “Keep and Bear Arms” to order the return of an individual’s seized firearms and gun license. [More]I suppose we should be appreciative, but all I can think of is it took 'em long enough, and how far away that "shall not be infringed" mandate still is.
[Via Evan Nappen]
The Big Ten Conference
10 States Debating Guns on Campus [More]Interesting summary with graphics...
I'm Not a Real "Authorized Journalist," But I Play One On TV.
And that mean old Charlie Rose treated her an actress! [Read]
This Day in History: June 25
On friday last the enemy moved from Elizabeth Town point to Springfield in considerable force, supposed about five thousand. The bridge at Springfield was pretty obstinately defended by Colonel Angel's regiment nor was it gained by the enemy till near a contest of forty minutes. This Regt. had about 40 killed and wounded. Our whole loss during the day does not rise much higher but from all the accounts which we have been yet able to collect, the enemy's has been very superior. [More]
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Quick Status Update
Thank you for the many offers of condolences. I probably won't get around to doing any more writing today than this post--there is much to do and I just need to take a bit of time off. The toughest part was being the one to tell my mother--Dad passed away early in the morning, and I had things set up with the nursing home so that I would be the one to get the call. Sometimes, all you can do is hold someone.
It figures Gunwalker would go stratospheric right now, and I've had to beg off several radio interview requests--I still plan on being on Armed American Radio Sunday night as it's on late enough that it shouldn't interfere with family obligations.
Also, James Towle tells me our voting efforts paid off and they won two Telly Awards. Thank you to those of you who supported this--it's very important to help programs like this grow
I was pleased to see NRA will score the contempt vote, and updated my piece calling for it. I do my share of letting them know when I disagree with them, so it's only fair to acknowledge them for doing the right thing.
One other thing, and then I need to go: Watch this from Rachel Maddow, blaming Mike Vanderboegh's "conspiracy" for Congress investigating Eric Holder. That's their total argument, total juvenile smirking and ad hominem, which is about what we'd expect, but it does show how desperate they are, and it really doesn't matter because the only ones who will swallow it are impervious to the truth anyway. Here's the way to deal with those who would dismiss this with ridicule: Make it about them saying the whistleblowers are liars. Because that's what you'd have to believe.
Please continue to hold off on email tips, etc. I'm going to post the comments I've received since yesterday and then I must be off. Part of me is straining to immediately get back into the fray, but I've been so occupied with family duties I have not yet had the quiet, solitary time I need to reflect on what the loss of the most important man in my life means to just me, and I quite frankly fear that even as I feel it coming on.
It figures Gunwalker would go stratospheric right now, and I've had to beg off several radio interview requests--I still plan on being on Armed American Radio Sunday night as it's on late enough that it shouldn't interfere with family obligations.
Also, James Towle tells me our voting efforts paid off and they won two Telly Awards. Thank you to those of you who supported this--it's very important to help programs like this grow
I was pleased to see NRA will score the contempt vote, and updated my piece calling for it. I do my share of letting them know when I disagree with them, so it's only fair to acknowledge them for doing the right thing.
One other thing, and then I need to go: Watch this from Rachel Maddow, blaming Mike Vanderboegh's "conspiracy" for Congress investigating Eric Holder. That's their total argument, total juvenile smirking and ad hominem, which is about what we'd expect, but it does show how desperate they are, and it really doesn't matter because the only ones who will swallow it are impervious to the truth anyway. Here's the way to deal with those who would dismiss this with ridicule: Make it about them saying the whistleblowers are liars. Because that's what you'd have to believe.
Please continue to hold off on email tips, etc. I'm going to post the comments I've received since yesterday and then I must be off. Part of me is straining to immediately get back into the fray, but I've been so occupied with family duties I have not yet had the quiet, solitary time I need to reflect on what the loss of the most important man in my life means to just me, and I quite frankly fear that even as I feel it coming on.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Out of Commission for a While
I know, I've seen the Gunwalker headlines, but am unable to do anything about them right now--my father passed away this morning and I just wanted to give readers a heads up on why the silence. Mike should be back from the hospital later today and may be able to post something.
Until then, I'll ask the same thing I ask when he's out of commission--please hold off on emails and comments?
Until then, I'll ask the same thing I ask when he's out of commission--please hold off on emails and comments?
This Day in History: June 20
The Battle of Ramsour's Mill took place on June 20, 1780 near present-day Lincolnton, North Carolina, during the British campaign to gain control of the southern colonies in the American Revolutionary War. About 400 American militia defeated 1,300 Loyalist militiamen. The battle did not involve any regular army forces from either side, and was literally fought between neighbors. Despite being outnumbered, the Patriot militia defeated the Loyalists. The battle was significant in that it lowered the morale of Loyalists in the south, weakening their support of the British. [More]
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
NRA holds a key to contempt vote as Holder dares Issa to proceed
The NRA must be involved. Now is not the time to avoid confirmation, now is the time to show the leadership it claims, and that its membership expects of it. [More]This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report notes now is the time to back up all those fine words that have received such thunderous applause at the last two conventions.
High profile wedding provides key to keeping Chicago free of ‘gun violence’
The results were predictable. The wedding went off without a hitch, with no pink-dressed girl or little boy blue even remotely menacing the protected private entourage of “public servants.” Results were predictable in other parts of the Windy City as well, the parts where police personnel had been pulled from, not that their presence has ever made a bit of difference anyway. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes that a royal wedding party need not trouble itself about the fate of loyal subjects--there are plenty more where they came from.
Vanderboegh Medical Update
Just got off the phone with Mike. He's recovering but it's rough, and the pain medication makes it tough--he needs to "time" his moments of lucidity to be able to communicate. He says the pain is better than yesterday, but he doesn't know if they're going to keep him overnight again yet or not.
Hold your emails and SSI comments to him until he's back and ready to handle them?
Hold your emails and SSI comments to him until he's back and ready to handle them?
We're the Only Ones Punchy Enough
Man on life support after Minneapolis cop punches him for ‘talking loud’ [More]And then our sucker-punching Hero of the Fatherland fled the scene.
File this one under "proof that an assailant doesn't have to be 'armed' to justify using deadly force to repel him." Assuming you get the chance. There is absolutely nothing morally wrong with using a gun on someone intent on beating you up with his fists, because we see what a good shot to the head can do.
Any doubt that had there been time to do so, and circumstances appropriate to ordering the attacker to freeze, that snout boy would have pulled a badge on him and then his own gun? And had he then claimed his victim made a move and shot him, is there any doubt it would have been ruled justified?
[Via cycjec]
We're the Only Ones Thanking Heaven for Little Girls Enough
The agents entered the 14-year-old girl’s room first, shouting “Get down on the fucking ground.” The girl, who was lying on her bed, rolled onto the floor, where the agents handcuffed her. Next they went to the 11-year-old’s room. The girl was sleeping. Agents woke her up by shouting “Get down on the fucking ground.” The girl’s eyes shot open, but she was, according to her own testimony, “frozen in fear.” So the agents dragged her onto the floor. While one agent handcuffed her, another held a gun to her head. [More]Oh, and it turns out:
At the time the warrant was issued, DEA Agents believed that a vehicle belonging to suspected drug trafficker Luis Alvarez was registered at the Avina residence. After executing the search warrant on January 20, 2007, the agents discovered they had inadvertently written down a license number of a vehicle belonging to Thomas Avina instead of a vehicle belonging to Luis Alvarez.All these names being bandied about...except for those of "the agents," naturally. We need them out there serving and protecting, and if you blow their cover, why, they might get a taste of their own medicine.
What I want to know is, what's the big deal?
[Via William T]
What Am I Missing?
Judicial Watch Sues ATF for Fast and Furious Records Detailing Communications Between ATF and Obama White House Official [More]While it's nice to see others picking up on the NSC connection, I thought the NSC function of the White House was immune to such FOIAs...
Sleeping with the Enemy
She says the bird is expected to be released at an area park. [More]Where it will assume all cats are just big, cuddly mattresses.
An Argument for Licensing and Registration
If you're looking for one that says they keep bad things from happening, his won't be much help. [Read]
[Via William T]
We Can't Wait To Say "We Told You So!"
Our own worry, although we acknowledge that statistics in other states have yet to bear out our concerns, is that legalized concealed carry — on the expressway, on the L, on the sidewalk — will result in more irresponsible gunplay in public places. [More]Jeez, you'd think with every state in the union having some form of carry besides ours we'd have seen no shortage of blood-in-the-streets Dodge City fender bender massacres by now. Especially considering all the years that have gone by.
Come on, those of you who took pains to be "legalized," make our dreams come true. Pleeease?
Monday, June 18, 2012
Issa tells Holder ‘full compliance’ needed to avert contempt vote
“There is nothing extraordinary about an offer from a Federal agency to fully or partially respond to a subpoena,” Issa cautioned the attorney general... [More]This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report notes...I'm not sure what. We should know more after tomorrow.
Vanderboegh Medical Update
Mike was readmitted to the hospital today to repair a stent connecting the esophagus to the stomach that was causing all kinds of complications. Because the reconnection is taking place amidst scar tissue, they will be keeping him for observation, at least overnight and possibly another day after that. He tells me it "should solve several problems" and that the "pain is quite intense if not medicated."
He's received mixed reactions on his latest exclusive--either "very good to ecstatic" for those wishing the disclosures to go forward to "very bad/stunned" for those who won't be sending him any get well wishes. He reports "consternation in every agency" that he wrote about, and will be planning to expand his thoughts on strategic communications and the role they played in "Gunwalker."
For the time being, as always when he goes in, ease up on the emails and comments you send his way?
He's received mixed reactions on his latest exclusive--either "very good to ecstatic" for those wishing the disclosures to go forward to "very bad/stunned" for those who won't be sending him any get well wishes. He reports "consternation in every agency" that he wrote about, and will be planning to expand his thoughts on strategic communications and the role they played in "Gunwalker."
For the time being, as always when he goes in, ease up on the emails and comments you send his way?
Blogger Vanderboegh reports ‘Gunwalker’ link to Obama’s ‘tough guy’ advisor
This, the third scoop ignored by “Authorized Journalist” media in less than a week by the Pinson, Ala., blogger, places one more circumstantial piece of an incomplete picture puzzle on the desk in the Oval Office. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes some pieces coming together. It also includes links to last night's "Armed American Radio" program, where we had a chance to explore things in depth while having a great time doing it.
Pulling the Plug on Vanderboegh
He's going in to the doctor to have a plug pulled--I think for drainage or some such, I didn't press. Anyway, he's going to be away from blogging for a while and asked me to mention it.
If Brian Terry had been black and if John Ashcroft were still AG, these same racist sons of bitches would be howling for his head. [Read]
We're the Only Ones Getting Better Enough
Y'know, if this were a less politically correct group, say, NRA members who were confessing to these dark, destructive urges, do you think the gungrabbers would be jumping all over lawmakers to demand some kind of credentialed and standardized psychiatric "all clear" before they should ever be allowed to get anywhere near a gun? Do you think they'd be fine with us saying we've self-diagnosed, come to terms with our inner demons (which were all caused by others!!!), and we've decided we're OK--we can now walk among you openly armed and you're safer because of it...?
[Via Kevin Starrett]
DC Event Disenfranchised Minorities
This brings us to Michelle Obama's recent book signing in Washington, DC. In spite of elaborate security, customers were required to submit their Social Security number and a photo ID. [More]Damn racists...
Punishable Rights
He faced three misdemeanor charges for brandishing a weapon, resisting and obstructing police, and disturbing the peace — each punishable by up to 93 days in jail. [More]If they can't get you one way, they'll get you another. By hook or by crook.
Were I his attorney: I would demand the arresting officers and their department produce documentation of training they have received on Michigan open carry laws.
This is something I've talked about before and will no doubt resurrect again: It would be so simple for each state's attorney general to require that all sworn officers receive training on concealed and open carry laws--he could do that with a memo to all police chiefs, sheriffs and Highway Patrol commanders or equivalents--and then require all personnel to sign an acknowledgment that goes into their personnel files, the same as papers they're required to sign saying they understand the sexual harassment policy, or some other bit of "human resources"-mandated folderol.
[Via Doug Rink]
Someone to Watch Over Me
[S]he had no one to protect her the night she was murdered, Hammond said. [More]And the stupid, evil "laws" this tool demands imposed on all of us made damn sure she would not be allowed to protect herself.
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...
Bizarrely, the local authority instead suggested playing a recording of a starting pistol on an iPod before agreeing to let Mr Bell start the races by sounding a klaxon. [More]Why not just use one of these...?
[Via Jake S]
Now, let's take a look at just a few of the stories the "just bloggers" have broken:Thank you, Katie Pavlich.
-Operation Fast and Furious was first exposed by bloggers Mike Vanderboegh and David Codrea [More]
And thank you, Michelle Malkin.
As noted:
The game has changed. Welcome to the dawn of the age of the Unauthorized Journalist. That’s an as-yet unrecognized, but huge story in all of this, and it scares the hell out of establishment media and the powers that be who rely on them.
We're the Only Ones Giving Up Enough
A Clifton, N.J., police officer surrendered to authorities just before midnight Sunday after barricading himself in his estranged wife’s Doylestown Township house, sporadically shooting at police and injuring one officer, authorities said. [More]Oh, and look: It was in an "ultra-safe neighborhood."
Dang. You mean bad "Why do you need a gun there?" stuff can happen anywhere? And that we can't rely on a "monopoly of violence"?
[Via William T]
Stand Your Promised Land
Israeli driver kills 2 Palestinians, wounds 1 [More]Naturally, interested collectivist hatred beneficiaries are branding the defender a criminal.
I can't wait to see the sympathy-evoking childhood portraits of the dead assailants.
How's the joke go? They blow up so fast these days...
A Rousing Success
"Authorized Journalist" Richard Dymond looks so cute in his cheerleader uniform. [Read]
Anybody still shopping at Bealls?
Anybody still shopping at Bealls?
Amazing Toby
It is a source of amazement and frustration for Toby Hoover, executive director of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence. [More]Good. But the goal for her is "wailing and gnashing of teeth."
This Day in History: June 18
On June 18, 2 men warned the militia that a force of 200-300 British dragoons were on their way to the Iron Works. The British arrived undetected and surprised the militiamen when they opened fire on them. The militia thought that these British were the advanced guard of the larger force that they had been warned about. After a brief skirmish, the militia fled. Captain Huck burned Hill’s Ironworks, confiscating 90 slave laborers. [More]
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Happy Father's Day
My kid sister sent me the above. It appeals to my appreciation for twisted humor.
Happy Father's Day to those of you who are.
Just a reminder: Mike Vanderboegh and I will be joining Mark Walters on Armed American Radio tonight at 9:00 pm Eastern. He's going to break some "Gunwalker" news tonight. Click here to find a station or listen via live streaming.
Happy Father's Day to those of you who are.
Just a reminder: Mike Vanderboegh and I will be joining Mark Walters on Armed American Radio tonight at 9:00 pm Eastern. He's going to break some "Gunwalker" news tonight. Click here to find a station or listen via live streaming.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
R.I.P. Kirby Ferris
A patriot who came among us for a while and shared our trail has left us poorer from his loss and richer from his life. [Read]
OSHA shooting range ruling points to agenda besides worker safety
While workplace safety ought to be a paramount concern for any employer, and while the list of citations provides a blueprint for corrective actions needed to regain compliance, a review of the detail of some of the cited instances, such as picking up a shell casing without gloves, shows that achieving a clean bill of health free of any subjectively-assessed violation may be impossible, and that such audits could be used to effectively close down gun ranges using fines to make their operations unprofitable. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column hates to say I told you so, but I did. Several times. Back in 2009.
Friday, June 15, 2012
The Only Thing Groaning Under Any Weight... my office chair. [Read]
But thanks for the kind sentiment. I think we'd be as welcome at a Romney event as we were at the NRA Convention, where director Lt. Col. Robert K. Brown was forced to give us awards offsite at the SAF reception.
Me, I think Mike deserves a Pulitzer. Holding breath in 3...2...1...
But thanks for the kind sentiment. I think we'd be as welcome at a Romney event as we were at the NRA Convention, where director Lt. Col. Robert K. Brown was forced to give us awards offsite at the SAF reception.
Me, I think Mike deserves a Pulitzer. Holding breath in 3...2...1...
Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike Paradise
He should have just given them what they wanted. [Watch]
Oh...he did. Nice shoes!
Where is the outrage? Where are the protests?
Oh...he did. Nice shoes!
Where is the outrage? Where are the protests?
Flight of Fancy
It's really amazing how many morons in comments trust a man to pilot them on a commercial airliner, but don't trust him to carry a gun. [Read]
It's like they're religious fanatics, incapable of rational thought in their blind, intolerant hatred of everyone who does not kneel down before their government idol.
It's like they're religious fanatics, incapable of rational thought in their blind, intolerant hatred of everyone who does not kneel down before their government idol.
Armed American Radio to Talk Vanderboegh Bombshells
Here's the latest press release from Armed American Radio, copied and pasted in its entirety:
For Immediate Release
Armed American Radio to report during Sunday 6-17-2012 broadcast on possible high-ranking whistleblowers within the Department of Justice and revelations that a murdered ICE agent was investigating Fast and Furious.
Atlanta GA- June 15th – Award-winning citizen journalist and blogger Mike Vanderboegh along with regular AAR contributor and award-winning journalist David Codrea, join host Mark Walters to blow the lid off of Eric Holder’s and Janet Napolitano’s cover-up of Operation Fast and Furious on nationally syndicated Armed American Radio this weekend. (AAR is nationally syndicated on the Salem Radio Network)
Vanderboegh and Codrea, the two men who originally broke the story now known as Operation Fast and Furious, will discuss claims from “multiple previously highly credible sources” that at least one, and possibly two high-ranking sources from within the Justice Department have “come in from the cold” seeking whistleblower status and “hold the keys to the kingdom”…with knowledge of Eric Holder's actions before and after" the 4 February 2011 DOJ letter denying that the DOJ and its subordinate agencies knew about ‘gunwalking’.”
In a second bombshell revelation, Vanderboegh reports that murdered ICE agent Jaime Zapata was investigating Fast and Furious weapons—despite Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano’s sworn testimony that there was no connection.
Armed American Radio is one of the fastest growing talk radio shows in America, and the fastest growing pro-gun show in the nation. AAR airs live nationwide every Sunday from 8-11pm ET, 5-8pm PT. Each week Mark Walters discusses the right to carry a concealed firearm, training, tips and carry techniques, the politics of the right to bear arms and the responsibility that law-abiding citizens have to carry a firearm for their own defense.
For more information and to schedule interviews:
Please contact:
Mark Walters
Armed American Radio Network
or call: 386-AAR-Mark (386)-227-6275
Armed American Radio is syndicated on the Salem Radio Network. For media kit information, please visit
On the Other Hand...
This is the kind of anger-fueled killing that might only be prevented by not having a loaded pistol in your possession. [More]Then again, if the guy who got shot and killed had produced one, the whole thing might have been prevented when the assailant realized his actions would not be risk-free...
Typical stupid argument for no one having guns--ever. Do these people ever listen to themselves, and if so, are they so self-deluded that nothing that conflicts with their pre-programmed routine gets through?
Blogger Vanderboegh reports murdered ICE agent investigating Fast and Furious
While the weapons found at the Zapata murder scene were not from among the Fast and Furious guns, this revelation is profoundly significant, because it directly contradicts sworn testimony by Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes there are liars, damned liars, and administration officials.
Four Against One
The disarmament advocates portray themselves as the arbiters of what's "reasonable" as they throw out their tired old lies about "paranoia"--especially considering what referee-with-money-on-the-game Alex Wagner is on record advocating. [Watch]
Nice of a whole panel to gang up on one person. I know the feeling.
And what's with that creepy smirking eyebrow raise Dan Gross does?
Nice of a whole panel to gang up on one person. I know the feeling.
And what's with that creepy smirking eyebrow raise Dan Gross does?
We're the Only Ones Preventing Enough
Police Supt. Garry McCarthy pointed out earlier this week that there were similar mob attacks last summer, and his department was able to get the problem under control. He said he believes they’ll be able to do it again this year, and it’s a matter of making sure his officers are where they’re supposed to be, to prevent these incidents from happening. [More]The things you'd have to believe to buy that line of crap for one second...but then again, consider the source.
Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.
This Day in History: June 15
Whether or not the Americans already suspected Arnold by this point is unclear. It is certain that by June of 1780, the American leadership was intensely suspicious. Tallmadge wrote to the Governor in charge of supplying West Point on June 15, 1780, warning to expect a sudden strike, with insider knowledge. [More]
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Sheriff’s evasion on gun surrender could open door to other charges
Isn’t it a crime to lie to law enforcement investigators? [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner offering looks at an anti-gun "Only One" who keeps digging his own hole deeper. Let's hope he buries himself.
Another Great Fast and Furious Video
We talked about CCRKBA's new video offering the other day. This one deserves to go viral, too. It's very powerful, very compelling, and packs a lot of message into one short minute.
Matthew Boyle has more.
Reese Family Update
As a follow-up to yesterday's GRE:
Yesterday was a great day for the family. The attorneys' for the defense of the kids did a GREAT JOB. Out of three motions they only got through (1) which was conspiracy against the government, straw purchasers, money laundering, smuggling etc. The judge was very attentive and very detail- oriented of all the issues brought forward by the government. The attorneys were able to bring up how the government agents lied on federal forms to try to get the kids to make a mistake so the feds could trap them. The judge could see what they were up to and didn't like it. The newspaper reporters were right on top of that story; the article should be out today in the paper. The motion hearing lasted until after 5:00 o'clock . We watched the news last nite, but they were not on last nite. Whenever there is anything on this case the news always picks up the story. So look for it today ,the other two motions for dismissal are reset for July 12th 13th, one of the motions being dismissal of the case.Here's the story from Las Cruces Sun-News, the only other account posted in Google News at the present besides my piece.
Coming Soon, to a Wooded Lot Near You
Study: Cougars again spreading across Midwest [More]I've camped, fished, hiked and ridden horses in cougar country many times. I've never had a problem. But had one arisen, I'd not have had to take it on with outmatched tooth and claw.
Silent Obedience
What a powerful historical context tool this gives Oath Keepers--including one to paint their so-called "liberal" critics as the cheerleaders for tyranny that they are. [Read]
Speaking of Trash...
Yes, the "Authorized Journalists" at Pensacola News Journal, "a Gannett Company" along with USA Today, is actually advocating that expecting candidates to tell you where they stand on issues before entrusting them with power is "McCarthyism." [Read]
Do you think they know they're just cynically appealing to the ignorant and the hive-minded, or do you think the slobbering loon publicly fluffing for tyranny actually swallows what he wrote?
Do you think they know they're just cynically appealing to the ignorant and the hive-minded, or do you think the slobbering loon publicly fluffing for tyranny actually swallows what he wrote?
This Day in History: June 14
SCOTCH PLAINS June 14, 1780
"Party of Villains" comes from Staten Island to steal horses. Americans capture three, kill one Tory with no losses. [More]
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Blogger Vanderboegh reports 'game changer' DOJ whistleblowers have come forward
Sources described as "previously highly credible" and "close to the Gunwalker investigation" are claiming "one and perhaps two sources within the Department of Justice headquarters...have approached the Issa Committee seeking whistleblower status," Mike Vanderboegh of Sipsey Street Irregulars blog is reporting this afternoon in an exclusive story. [More]Today's second Gun Rights Examiner feature notes the keys to the kingdom just may have been found.
Jailed gun dealer family hearing scheduled for this morning
What’s also clear is they are being prosecuted by the same branch of government that won’t comply with subpoenas when its own role in allowing guns to fall into cartel hands is scrutinized. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes there's justice and there's Justice...
On Self-Referential Links
Where would you have had us link to? [Read]
Because we've also had the direct opposite complaint--someone would come into it for the first time and it would be like trying to watch part of a third-season episode of "Lost" and make sense of the storyline and characters. That's too confusing and too much work, so they would just give up and switch channels.
Because we've also had the direct opposite complaint--someone would come into it for the first time and it would be like trying to watch part of a third-season episode of "Lost" and make sense of the storyline and characters. That's too confusing and too much work, so they would just give up and switch channels.
Where to Begin?
“There’s no rational reason to own a gun in the city. Gophers aren’t chewing up our fields, we have no black bears going through our garbage bins and the raccoons aren’t dangerous enough,” said Councillor Adam Vaughan in an interview. “I appreciate that people like them as a sporting hobby. I appreciate that people like their guns and love their activities, but those are emotional arguments. And I’m sorry, the risks that are presented from the stores, the selling and the possession of weapons in this city is presenting too big a problem.” [More]Actually, there's no need to begin anywhere. He's clearly either insane or evil, quite possibly both, and the only rational response would be to repel him if he gets too close.
Welcome to the Party, φιλαράκος
"I have never even considered owning a gun before, but I am seriously worried about what might happen after the election." [More]If you were serious, you wouldn't just be "considering."
Stupid Guns
I was going to let the stupidly off-topic comment left here go, but it reminded me of something from a while back:
"Stupid Tree!"These people think and act like children.
Project Gun Wokker
The Chinese authorities said on Tuesday that they had detained 23 suspects here and had broken up an international gun trafficking ring that conspired with a United States soldier to smuggle firearms into China. [More]Doesn't he know that's a human rights violation?
Bealls, For All Your Father's Day Shopping Needs: Not
“Father’s Day is a time when people think about family ... or people that have passed on,” said Bill Webster, director of public and government affairs for Bealls. “It’s a time when people might reflect on the future and participate in the program.” [More]It's also a time when we might reflect on telling Bill Webster and Bealls to go **** themselves, and that there are plenty of other retailers we can patronize who are not helping to subvert public perception of guns in private hands. Those, incidentally, help keep more people from "passing on" than the monopoly of violence thugs and the useful idiot rope-sellers conducting the "buyback" want us to know about.
What do they call a father who has not assumed responsibility to protect his family, to include having the mindset, the training and the tools to do it? Aside from that. A Bealls customer.
Read more here:
Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike Paradise
Bible-college student’s pocketknife spoils trip to New York City [More]
It wasn't the knife that spoiled it.
By the way, why isn't "the officer's" name relevant if one of the prime objectives of journalism is to be a government watchdog keeping the public fully informed of abuses and abusers?
We're the Only Ones Incomprehensible Enough
“I just can’t comprehend the opposition to it.”[More]So is he admitting he's mentally challenged, or is he just a liar?
[Via 1894C]
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
May I Have the Envelope, Please...
Click graphic to enlarge. Links contained in original:
Weapons Laws of the Russian Federation
Wow, what an undertaking to translate this--suggest bookmarking it as a resource. [Read]
TV panel discusses Mexican hunting dangers and inhumane Humane Society practices
Two topics were selected for discussion, the first being hunting in Mexico, often under armed guards due to cartel terror (with a segue into Fast and Furious), and the second being the blackmail-style pressure the Humane Society of the United States brings to bear on conservation charities to not accept contributions from hunters. Their ruthlessness is shocking, and it actually works against their advertised mission and creates a devastating and wholly unjustifiable extinction threat to endangered species. This is a story that’s been underreported and is probably news to even most hunters. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column reports on the second in what will hopefully turn out to be a long series of appearances, and includes the embedded video.
From American Trigger Sports Network:
THIS WEEK, beginning June 12th, on ATSN TV, Season 2
15th Annual SW Regional ICORE Championship
Hogue Action Pistol Range, San Luis Obispo, CA
Molly Smith, ATSN Field Correspondent, takes us to the 15th Annual SW Regional ICORE Championship at the Hogue Action Pistol Range in San Luis Obispo, CA.
Molly competes in the match and describes the challenging stages. She has a chance to talk to top shooters Rich Wolfe, John Bagakis as well as the founder of the match, Rich Richards.
Pursuit Channel (DirecTV 608 PRST/ Dish /Network 240 HUNT)
Exclusive Shooting Destination Night-Friday Night!
1:30pm PST
4:30pm EST
10:00pm PST
Fridays-Shooting Destination Night
6:00pm PST
9:00pm EST/ 1:00am EST
Stand Your Ground is RACIST!
That's the new meme and they're sticking to it. [Read]
Even if they're demonstrably full of sh...:
Even if they're demonstrably full of sh...:
I go on to point out ways in which a robust right of self-defense has historically proved to protect the interests of victims of domestic violence and racial minorities. (On the latter, see, for example, cases from Ossian Sweet’s in the 1920s to the present day; more here and here, and from my Cato colleague Jonathan Blanks here.)
A Legal Right
Student’s legal right to possess weapon not entirely clear [More]Sure it is. It's the recognition of it that's being intentionally blurred.
[Via Darrel]
A Note About Yesterday's Post
This one, about CBS...
It has been suggested on one forum by someone with no dog in the fight, and who has not invested thousands of hours of their life with the attendant exertion and financial/emotional strain, that "credit" doesn't matter as long as the story gets out.
That's my point: The whole story is NOT getting out when the mainstream press is what controls the megaphone, and as I pointed out, even Wikipedia deletes all references to we who forced people to pay attention and who continue to expose new facets. Sharyl's done great work, but there is plenty she and Fox and all the other reporters and bloggers have not touched on that is only available on mine and Mike's sites. As I wrote recently, there are also stories I have had to spike recently because we're just not big enough fish to be able to do anything about it if retaliation is the government response, so my sources, with Republican squishiness being among other factors, asked me not to post my finished drafts. As their protection is my priority, I of course complied.
On top of that, there's information Mike and I have that we've not yet disclosed--in some cases big stuff that eats at us, that we're itching to get out, and that we just can't yet, and who knows when we'll be able to? As our best defense--because we are small fry--has always been to make noise, believe me when I say that situation makes me feel very vulnerable, because as long as it resides only with us, it is containable. And we're dealing with people who would engineer guns being walked to Mexican criminals here...
Another person suggested we write a book, but that requires an interested publisher, and an advance so that we can eat in the mean time. Speaking of which, that's the reason I keep asking regulars--you who evidently get value from the work because you keep returning--to share the GRE links, and the reason why getting them out to a larger readership is important--at least to me...
Oh, and there's one other great reason why we should just not sit back and say let CBS be the final word on Guwalker. This one. Moonves could pull the plug at any time.
It has been suggested on one forum by someone with no dog in the fight, and who has not invested thousands of hours of their life with the attendant exertion and financial/emotional strain, that "credit" doesn't matter as long as the story gets out.
That's my point: The whole story is NOT getting out when the mainstream press is what controls the megaphone, and as I pointed out, even Wikipedia deletes all references to we who forced people to pay attention and who continue to expose new facets. Sharyl's done great work, but there is plenty she and Fox and all the other reporters and bloggers have not touched on that is only available on mine and Mike's sites. As I wrote recently, there are also stories I have had to spike recently because we're just not big enough fish to be able to do anything about it if retaliation is the government response, so my sources, with Republican squishiness being among other factors, asked me not to post my finished drafts. As their protection is my priority, I of course complied.
On top of that, there's information Mike and I have that we've not yet disclosed--in some cases big stuff that eats at us, that we're itching to get out, and that we just can't yet, and who knows when we'll be able to? As our best defense--because we are small fry--has always been to make noise, believe me when I say that situation makes me feel very vulnerable, because as long as it resides only with us, it is containable. And we're dealing with people who would engineer guns being walked to Mexican criminals here...
Another person suggested we write a book, but that requires an interested publisher, and an advance so that we can eat in the mean time. Speaking of which, that's the reason I keep asking regulars--you who evidently get value from the work because you keep returning--to share the GRE links, and the reason why getting them out to a larger readership is important--at least to me...
Oh, and there's one other great reason why we should just not sit back and say let CBS be the final word on Guwalker. This one. Moonves could pull the plug at any time.
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