Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Looks like I may have started something... [Read]

That's a pretty good "gentle nudge" right there...

[Via Thomas S]


Mack said...


Laura Ingraham appeared on Fox & Friends on Tuesday and said CBS "broke" the story.

Now, she's very intelligent, so this is a terrible gaffe.


W W Woodward said...

My "share" on the Newsbuster story to facebook:

Credit should be given where credit is due. If it hadn't been for the efforts of David Codrea and Mike Vanderboegh, Ms Attkisson wouldn't have had a "Fast and Furious" story.

Anonymous said...

Laura Ingram is in the same camp as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Neal Bortz - they all have compromised principles. When push comes to shove, they run right back into the abusive arms of the "right wing", dismissing principled, freedom-loving political candidates out of hand.

Not a gaffe - showing her true colors.