Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sounds Like She Gets It--And HE Doesn't

Hazmat shares the response he got on Gunwalker from Rep. Cynthis Lummis. [Read]

She sure did a lot better than the equivocating, say-nothing weasel words I got from my ever-useless RINO Rep. Steve LaTourettesyndrome:

He will keep my position in mind.  How nice of him.



Robert Fowler said...

I get the same kind of response from Senator Harkin, D Ia. He is always going to keep my "concerns" in mind. My other Senator, Chuck Grassley has been on Holder from the beginning. It's good to see that some of our Reps. get it.

MamaLiberty said...

The sad thing is that Lummis is not always the best friend of liberty either.

I'm in her "district" and communicate with her sometimes. She does, however, answer her email herself, and gives real answers to serious questions. She's even admitted to thinking a bit differently about things a time or two after an exchange.