Friday, July 13, 2012

Holder bar complaint called ‘specious, frivolous’ as Issa ethics charge is filed

“I also take exception to the accusation that we’re desperate,” Vanderboegh laughed. “We’re having fun. It’s the Justice Department that’s desperate. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column spreads the frivolity.

1 comment:

Chas said...

I wasn't going to post this; I witheld it, because these are sensitive times for you and I wish you the best in the face of your adversity, but here it is:

Holder won't talk.

1. He may be fired or have to resign.
2. He may face criminal charges in the US for F&F.
3. He will be facing lawsuits for F&F.
4. A Republican president may not shield him from extradition to Mexico to face criminal charges there for the hundreds of deaths from F&F.

Given the mountain of merde that Holder is facing, he will not be talking. He might be dining on a diet of tortillas, but he won’t be talking.