Thursday, July 12, 2012

Of Course You Realize...

...this means war. [Read]


Robert Fowler said...

Of course I understand that the UN wants total control. They always have. Just who, if for some reason that bunch of asshats in DC ratified this, is going to go around and pick up all of the guns. There will be some sheep that will willingly go to the camps. But what of those of us that don't? Will it be what's left of the local police? The remnants of our military? Or is the UN going to import troops from a bunch of third world countries to come and go to war with us?

Of course I am sure that there are enough of our Senators that won't stand for this. So ratification is pretty much a moot point. I do think that any Senator that votes for it should be removed from office and tried for treason.

We need to be contacting our Representatives and de-funding this bunch. Maybe they can go to one of the countries they love. Like Cuba or Iran. Then we can tear down that stupid statue and turn the building into a homeless shelter.

sofa said...

The role of StateDept and Hillary in F&F (and related Ambassadorial issues) violate existing laws.

How to hammer that message home before Hillary's gun treaty can come before the Senate?

Wield Truth, and slay these petty despots.