Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Public Service Announcement for Furious Mike Paradise Lower East Side Criminals

If you're busted for gun possession this Sunday before 4 p.m., tell them you were taking it to the Rutgers Houses community center on Madison Street, and then have your lawyer ask what method of transport others used to legally get their guns there and argue entrapment. [Read]

1 comment:

Ed said...

Given that the price of a stolen pistol or revolver is essentially free for the thief, and negotiable for successive buyers, turning in a functioning pistol or revolver for $200 can be very profitable. The $20 for a rifle or shotgun may not be worth the bother. How many want to be seen walking on the street of NYC with a rifle or shotgun? What would prevent someone from relieving them from their burden, yielding nothing for them for their efforts? However, it is doubtful that those that have shot at the police will be turning in anything, especially if the same officers are working the turn-in site.