Sunday, December 16, 2012

Armed American Radio Tonight

Host Mark Walters will be joined by guests Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, Dr. John Lott, Larry Pratt from Gun Owners of America, and historian and author Clayton Cramer.  I believe it will be an important broadcast for every gun rights advocate to hear.

The program is broadcast from 8 to 11 p.m. Eastern.   I'll be joining in for the 10 p.m. Round Table.

Visit the AAR website to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming.


Lazy Bike Commuter said...

Does Grossman still insist that video games cause murder? I can never take anything he says seriously due to that ridiculous stance.

Lazy Bike Commuter said...

Unless Grossman has stopped saying that video games cause murder, I don't see how anyone can take him seiously.

edssycl 1984 said...

Looks like a little confusion between causation, correlation and desensitization:

David Codrea said...

Seems like the peer-reviewed science poses some problems for the anecdotal objections:

This is what you need to address, and do it using rigorous methodology--if you're just going to summarily dismiss Grossman as ridiculous because you don't like that part of his message. And hopefully, before dismissing him entirely, you will at least find agreement with his contention that an immediate armed response deters mass murderers.

Look, I'm not sold on "The Devil made me do it." I don't play vg's but my kids do, and they're good people, and I've watched plenty of violent movies and never felt the urge to act them out. I would be surprised though, if there aren't weaker-minded among us who are so affected. And the solution, like with guns, is not to ban them, but to understand that those people are so broken that all other kinds of stimuli are likely to set them off. Just like anyone who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted without a custodian, the same goes for media.