Thursday, December 27, 2012

D.C. chief and ATF head asked who authorized violation of magazine ban

The truth is, the issue isn’t really about throwing David Gregory and the production staff of "Meet the Press" in the slammer anyway -- that would just be an amusing side benefit, especially if they were put in with the same threatening and demeaning treatment and terrifying characters you and I would be subjected to for the “crime” of possessing verboten boxes and springs. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report can't help but notice the elitist nature of the egalitarians.


Mack said...


It's important for you and others to note that this is a "Strict Liability" offense, so intent is irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

The Leftists are false egalitarians. In reality they are brutal hierarchs (despots.)

Anthropologically, egalitarian means nobody Lording it over others, as opposed to hierarchy or despotism.

Humans evolved into the most egalitarian of the primates, yet leftist academics become rather enraged when I point out in the scientific literature that Egalitarian Non-State human society is where it is empirically observed that humans enjoy lifeways that are, and I quote twice the exact same description, as follows:

"autonomous and sovereign"

~Elman R. Service (1975), Origins of the State and Civilization: The Process of Cultural Evolution. New York: Norton. [excerpt here: NON-STATE AND STATE SOCIETIES]

"autonomous and sovereign"

~Christopher Boehm (1999), Hierarchy in the Forest: The Evolution of Egalitarian Behavior. Harvard University Press.

Thus, egalitarian = autonomous and sovereign = nobody Lording it over others.

Egalitarianism is built into our founding documents when Jefferson wrote "all men are created equal" and enforced by the Second Amendment's power sharing.

Let's bone up on some anthropology and evolutionary biology, take the egalitarian/equality term back from the Leftists, explain what the term really means scientifically--nobody Lording it over others--and spank 'em with it.