Monday, December 03, 2012

Staying Safe

Tom Gresham provides some holiday reminders in this special Gun Talk Radio bonus podcast. I must admit his idea of carrying a whistle does seem a more effortless plan than mine, that if I ever need to make a really loud, high-pitched shrieking noise, that's what my assailant is for. Anyway, this is good, simple, common sense stuff, particularly for those who may not consider such things, that is, probably over 90% of what you see ambling obliviously plugged in or with phones glued to their heads at shopping centers and malls... [Listen]

[Via Neil W]

1 comment:

MamaLiberty said...

I carried a whistle for 14 years as I worked the seriously dangerous areas of Los Angeles, Riverside and San Bernardino in So. Calif. It was the only thing I could legally have. I'm glad I never had to use it, because I'm convinced it would only have called more predators. I used serious situational awareness instead, refusing to go into the most dangerous areas.

I would not waste time on a whistle today. I'm with you, David. I count on my attacker for the sound effects if they insist on making me use the gun I carry on my hip. Their choice, naturally. So far, so good. It's quiet here...