Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Exceeding Expectations

Armed Teachers: Over 600 Have Applied for Training [More]
Ladd Everitt, spokesman for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, said teachers groups have made clear they do not want educators armed. 
Incidentally, based on that second link and other stuff I've seen elsewhere recently, I'm delighted to see people looking into simulation scenarios.


Johnny Gee said...

Wat really surprises me is that they didn't remove the first pro-gun post after they closed the comments. I've been many places in the last week that won't even allow comments on anti-gun pieces. I was at HuffPo this AM and ran into that very same thing.

Chas said...

Markie Marxist sez: "600?! That's outrageous! They're not being good communists! Teachers are supposed to march in lockstep with the Democratic Party's gun free school zone/massacre program! How are we supposed to get the bodycount we need to drive our gun ban agenda if teachers are able to shoot our Marxist/warrior/hero/mass murderers? Okay, so some of our teachers have to die, but they're supposed to be willing to make the sacrifice for our gun ban agenda, not shoot back! Next thing you know, they'll be joing the NRA! And those NRA types are definitely not good communists! This is desertion in the face of the enemy! They should be shot for this! Though if they have guns, that might be challenging. I have to call DiFi, maybe she can do something with them - like take their guns away before they join the NRA! Ha! Ha!"