Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Worldwide Liar in News

There is no hunter that needs automatic military weapons to enjoy the culture of going hunting...We're talking about millions of kids dying — being shot down by assault weapons ... [More
What a disgraceful imbecile. Not this Marxist douche--lying is what he does.

I'm talking about the CNN "reporterette" who doesn't jump right in, stop him and ensure their viewers are being told the truth.

[Via Jess]


Ed said...

When I read "millions", my reaction was to ask myself "Where?"

Then I remembered this:

Jerome East said...

Don't get me wrong, those children being gunned down was horrible, but what I don't understand is how they trot out the standard " do it for the children" and "if it saves just one life it's worth it" BS while completely ignoring the million or so killed every three years in our nations abortion clinics. After all, "if it saves just one life".....

Teke said...

Have they not heard of feral hogs?
There is one hunting use of a full auto right there and that's not even what they mean since they are referring to Semi-Auto.
Why don't the ask Teddy Roosevelt about hunting with semi-autos