Friday, June 14, 2013

But it Didn't Stop a Group of Teenagers

No, of course it didn't. [More]

Who would be fool enough to believe that it would?


GaryM said...

If only there were something a person could carry that might deter such attacks. And it would be even better if our Constitution prevented any government interference with such carry.

RVN11B said...

Oh you are so right! But what EVER could that item be? Oh my!

MamaLiberty said...

And situational awareness is such a new and untried concept...

"Ben Miles says he will still keep putting in some miles on the Metropolitan Branch Trail, but he will be keeping a close eye on his surroundings now too."

Good thinking... and a good place to start.

:"I feel pretty safe,” Shannon Bland says. It seems pretty safe.”"

Looks and acts like food... will be eaten.

Ed said...

Yet, if the bicyclist was carrying a weapon and used it to defend himself, then many would decry the armed attack on children.